2011年 海灘浸禮 – 獻上自己

2011/09/19 20:45:44 網誌分類: 基督徒見證
19 Sep



2011 海灘浸禮 獻上自己 

2011年918 海灘浸禮, 新界汀九麗都灣泳灘. 


Frankie 的見證  

啟示錄 12:11 弟兄勝過牠 (魔鬼),是因著羊羔的血,也因著自己所見證的道,他們雖然至死,也不愛惜自己的性命。  

 我出生在一個基督教家庭。我的祖母和母親都是基督徒。不過,我的父親沒有實踐耶穌基督的教導。他總喜歡賭博,也沒有去教堂。因此,我不喜歡賭博。 當我十歲我開始去主日學校了。我在循道衛理教會崇拜神超過十年。我已經參加了兩次洗禮,即分別在14歲的兒童洗禮和17歲確認的洗禮。 

  19768月,我和女朋友分手了。此外,我的老闆不滿意我的工作表現。我很沮喪,我去英國讀書。後來,我前往布拉福大學讀書。在19774月,我去了謝菲爾德,參加復活節的特會。會後,我回布拉福。回家後,我突然意識到我從來沒有邀請耶穌進入我的心,讓他做我的主,儘管我已經有兩次洗禮,並出席了十多年的教堂崇拜。然後,我跪下,靠近我的床禱告和認罪,我邀請耶穌成為我的救主和生命的主。我重生了。從那時起,我從來沒有停止去教堂。1980年我回到香港,我去沙田宣道會教會敬拜神約15年。後來我搬到九龍,我在五旬節教會敬拜神, 從那時起到 20114月約9年。  2011515日起我在611靈糧堂敬拜神。由2011716日起我加入611靈糧堂的小组。 

   我是重生的基督徒有35年。不過,我曾經是一個浪子(10)。我沒有讀聖經和祈禱,儘管我每週去教堂。我當時生活在罪惡裡。200810月,在 YouTube 某些視頻我看到上帝的力量。我注意到一位牧師給人趕鬼,惡魔離開。因此我悔改,回到上帝。上帝是仁慈的,他給了我第二次機會。 


  2009319日我接到神對我祈禱的答覆。收到此消息時,我是參加一個為期4天在香港的國際基督教特會。在特會的第二天,一位來自中東的基督教兄弟 Sietan來找我,說了幾句話。後來,我請他寫下神的答覆,他說是神指示他來告訴我神的信息。他寫下來,我現在削去(除去)你多層多年的不信和宗教,你要有耐心,現在我在你身上工作。當我接到這個神的信息,我認為這信息是來自上帝。我沒有絲毫懷疑,因為我從來沒有見過他。之後,我再也沒有見過他。他沒有理由對一個兄弟撒謊和取笑我。(後注:一年後,2010,我在一教堂裡再次見到他)。 

 過去我有10年是個浪子,後來我悔改了,重新回到了神的身邊。神是仁慈的,主給了我第二次機會。當我看到這些字,多層多年的不信和宗教 ,在我的內心深處,我確信這信息是來自上帝。回想起過去3年,當我感到主的慈愛和主對我的愛時,我經常禁不住流淚。   

Frankie, 2011914


2011年918 海灘浸禮


I was baptised by a good pastor, Sui Gor.

God has given me a very good prophetic message through a prophetic gifted brother today. I was baptised by a good pastor, Sui Gor.  Pastor 帖心 anointed me and prayed for the impartation of spiritual gifts and blessings to Frankie. God's gifts are given to me more than I expected or think of.  Praise the Lord!  My heart is bubbled up with joy this afternoon and this evening. Thank you Jesus.




I received a message from a sister in mainland China on Sunday afternoon at Sina -blog. The following was part of her message. She prayed for Frankie in the morning and she wept for Frankie. That was happened on the day of my water baptism. She said: 今天早上為你禱告特別感動,不知怎麼流淚了,感謝神這樣愛著你,耶穌愛你,我也愛你,以馬內利! The Holy Spirit is great. He gave a burden on this sister to pray for Frankie on the day of his water baptism. Praise the Lord!  Glory to Jesus. 

The following is part of a feed-back from a sister in Mainland China

Dear brother Frankie: 







             哈利路亞!這是我心中發出的最多的禱告。讓我們不斷地呼喊:哈利路亞!生生世世呼喊:哈利路亞!       讓我們彼此代禱,共隨主行,共同見證並榮耀主名。將榮耀歸給我們至高的神!

 Sister Maria

 The above is a sharing from sister Maria about my water baptism on 18 Sept 2011.  She lives in 青島, Mainland China.  I came to know her through Sina-blog about 8 months ago. We never met before. However, she often prayed for Frankie when the Holy Spirit placed a burden on her to pray for Frankie.  She is a good sister in the Lord. 


The following is my reply letter to sister Maria.

Dear sister Maria, 

I was touched when I read your reply letter this morning.  You are right!  God has been good to me and He has given me blessings after blessings in the past 5 weeks.  Thank you for your prayer support, encouragement and reminder on my special day and in this letter. 

I run out of words to show my gratitude to my Lord.  He has been good to me and faithful to me in the past 35 years since I gave my life to him. He has given me freedom to choose His way or going my own way ( living in worldly life and sinful life ).  The time that I went astray was not short. It was about ten years. But His eyes focus on Frankie and He brought me back to His flock three years ago. I sincerely repented and I live in holy life now.  A Christian must be living in holy life because the Lord is holy.  We cannot be used by God unless we are broken and empty ourselves with a holy life.  

Last Sunday, after came back from water baptism, I have dinner with my wife at a restaurant.  There were three empty seats at a big table.  As I walked to this table, I saw a sister of my cell group of my previous church. I then greeted her and sat down. My wife later came and we sat on that table.  I opened myself and talked to her. The Lord restored our relationship since I left my previous church. We talked for about 30 minutes while having dinner at the same table. 

//有神的手托住我和兒子艱難行走的腳步。有神的靈引領我和兒子走前方的路。哈利路亞!// .  God never promised us to have a smooth life without difficulties.  However, He promises us to have Grace and Strength to face them in times of trouble & need.  I believe that you are a precious daughter of the Almighty God and your son is a prince in God's kingdom; Jesus will keep an eye on both of you as you are walking in Jesus way.  May the blessings on me be given to you in double portion! 

1. 在你前面道路上有風雨,但是暫時的 。風雨後,一切都會歸於平靜  2. 忘記過去痛苦的事情,在主的面前,將煩惱,重擔交給主。 3.奇妙的帶領, 鮮花恩典伴隨

The above three items were given to me in my third prophecy.  I think that they are applicable to you too.  Be bold and strong in the Lord and move forward because you are a member of the army of God.  耶和華大能的勇士,歡呼吧!前進吧,去領取神給你的應許! May His grace and love be with you always! 

Abundant blessings,

Brother Frankie, 21 Sept 2011  8:00pm 


 Frankie and his sister. 


I was baptized when I was a child and a teenager in 60s. At that time, I have not accepted Jesus as my saviour and Lord. After 8 years since my latter baptism, I accepted Jesus in U.K.  I joined the present church 4 months ago. They accepted those people who have a special reason to be baptized again.  In this event, I think over 350 people to be baptized on the beach.  Therefore, I joined them and got baptized again at sea.







In the prophetic prayer for Frankie at the beach, a gifted brother Dai saw a vision.  He told me that he saw Frankie was at the top of a huge wave while surfing at sea.  While I was at the top of a huge wave, Frankie lifted up two hands and shouted "哈利路亞!" despite of several failure. In those failures, Frankie was sent back to the shore by the big waves.  In spiritual interpretation, I will encounter many difficulties and problems ahead. When Frankie is relying on God's grace and strength, he will succeed to pass through those difficulties and he shout 哈利路亞!to the Lord as he grows stronger and stronger each day in the Lord. 


For  more photos of my water baptism, please see my blog message in Sina-blog.


回應 (2)
2011/09/23 08:27:09 回覆

A sharing from a sister in Christ about why God did not hear our prayers. 

你记得圣经中以民 ( people of Israel) 的那些禁食吗?他们往往披麻蒙灰,这是代表着悔改,每当他们悔改、禁食来寻求神的时候,神就被他们寻见。赛58章也说到了禁食的真意,当我们虽禁食却不悔改时,是不蒙神喜悦的,不悔改的祷告在神面前是看为可憎的,神也不听(赛59:1-2 先知谴责人民的罪: 看哪!耶和华的手不是缩短了,以致不能拯救;他的耳朵不是不灵,不能听见; 2 而是你们的罪孽使你们与你们的 神隔绝;你们的罪恶使他掩面不顾你们,不听你们的祷告。箴28:9 

Why our prayers are not heard by the Lord? It is of our attitude. We have no repentance. 他的耳朵不是不灵,不能听见; 2 而是你们的罪孽使你们与你们的神隔绝;你们的罪恶使他掩面不顾你们,不听你们的祷告.

2011/09/23 08:12:15 回覆

神賜福和睦之地 -作者:查思博牧師; 看哪,弟兄和睦同居,是何等的善,何等的美﹗……因為在那裡有耶和華所命定的福。詩篇133:1,3; 那裡的人和睦共事、友愛相處,那裡就有耶和華所命定的福。為何我們知而不行呢?因為人與人之間常有「爭鬥」:「門徒中間起了議論,誰將為大」(路加福音9:46)。但耶穌是不容「爭鬥」的,祂必須處理門徒中間紛爭的靈。我曾聽過一句至理名言:「如果誰也不計較得失的話,那就沒有幹不成的事。」不能與人和睦相處的另一原因就是缺乏愛心:我們總是不願意接受別人的本相,也不願意愛他們、讓聖靈改變他們因我們總認為這是神的工作。可悲的是,某些最愛爭鬥的人竟在教會擔當重要的事奉岡位,但他們只顧維護自己的名聲、影響力以及勢力範圍。今天,求神幫助你勝過爭鬥、計較和自私的靈,並學習以愛待人,只因和睦的教會才能醫治這個分裂的世界。 若要別人以愛待人,你先要作個好榜樣。
