Revealing Heaven by Kat Kerr - Living Worship - In

2011/09/23 14:34:26 網誌分類: 基督徒見證
23 Sep





Living Worship- In Heaven, In Earth

It is one of the most exciting places to be in Heaven, the Throne Room of God with all the Redeemed (those Believers who died and are living in Heaven) worshipping and dancing, I am going to try and describe some of the things I witnessed during several of my visits to the Throne Room. The throne is high and lifted up as it says in the Word and it is in the center of the room, not at the back wall. This made it possible for all the people to be near the Father and Jesus (he sits at the right hand of God). There are four sets of steps that go up to the throne so that at any time they wish, the redeemed can run right up and visit.


One of the most beautiful things I remember is the rainbow around the throne which goes in a huge circle from the floor up to the ceiling and back around; totally engulfing the throne in radiant, amazing colors. The outermost band of color in this rainbow is purple and then next is a brilliant sapphire blue and after that a gorgeous teal (the widest band) and then sometimes the colors change after that. At times when I was there, the bands of color are just like a normal rainbow seen on earth. But sometimes, it will be a thin band of emerald green, then topaz, gold, and finally the glorious white that emanates from the face of God! Standing in that Glory, which is the love He has for all His children will cause you to be permanently undone.

There are other thrones encircling God's throne (the twenty-four elders), but the most noticeable thing are the Living Creatures! Amazing beings, who are not animals that walk on all fours, but are intelligent beings that walk upright like us. They have gossamer garments and, through them, you see hundreds of eyes looking back at you. They also have six wings, which have eyes in all the feathers (every eye moves independently of each other). One has the head of a lion, another head of an ox, one the head of an eagle and one the head of a man; all are extremely intelligent and will be used during the end time outpouring. When they de clare, "HOLY, HOLY, HOLY" the room shakes with the power in their words. Smoke (which is the glory cloud) and fire with lightening pour out from the throne of God.

Worship in the throne room is not easy to describe as it involves music and beings that do not exist on this earth. The Seraphim, have blue fire coming from the top of their heads, fly back and forth over the top of the Father as he sits on his throne; these are powerful beings involved with the worship and are in close proximity to the one who sits upon the throne. On earth, they hover over those who minister to the Lord during worship and release glory upon them. Many people there c reate and use banners and flags to demonstrate their passion for the Father and Jesus. As they run with the banners across the floor, the image on the banner comes to life! If it is a lion, it begins to roar loudly from the fabric or if it is a trumpet or shofars, they begin to sound out, worshipping along with the redeemed! The Glory becomes so rich and heavy that everyone ends up on their faces, soaking in the love that comes in waves from the Father's heart.

回應 (4)
2011/09/26 12:34:16 回覆

保護頭和心 -作者:查思博牧師;此外,又拿著信德當作藤牌,可以滅盡那惡者一切的箭。並戴上救恩的頭盔。以弗所書6:16-17 ;古代的羅馬士兵要熟習如何擊中敵軍的頭部和心臟,因為這兩處是致命的部位,魔鬼的詭計也是如此,因此保羅說:「要穿戴神所賜的全副軍裝」(以弗所書6:11)。神的兒女,敵人今天就要取你的首級,立即戴上救恩的頭盔吧!這是一場屬靈爭戰,正如所羅門說:「他心怎樣思量,他為人就是怎樣」(箴言23:7)。

2011/09/24 09:03:25 回覆










2011/09/23 14:57:19 回覆

Revealing Heaven Volume II by Kat Kerr (Part 8.)


see above

2011/09/23 14:53:22 回覆


Our worship on earth is collected and presented in the Throne Room as incense. The sweet aromas continually fill that place as we love God with our song, instruments and dance. If you could see into the spirit realm around you as you worship, it would amaze you. Some people have been given a 'seer' anointing by the Holy Spirit which enables them to do that and since God chose me to be one of them, I can tell you what happens. When you dance before the Lord in worship, the angels come from Heaven and place a 'spiritual' canvas under your feet. As you worship, your feet begin to paint a masterpiece with your love and when completed, that masterpiece is presented before the throne of God and then placed in your Praise Gallery. This is a place with your name on it; it was made just to hold all the things you c reate as worship for your God. When you get to Heaven you will enjoy going there to see the many precious things God collected from your life as worship to Him.

When you sing, in the spirit realm, ribbons of beautiful color stream from your mouth and these begin to 'weave' a tapestry which becomes a masterpiece of your love. The same thing happens when you play an instrument; it creates a tapestry of worship. These tapestries will also be placed in your praise gallery. Many prophetic psalmists are now being 'caught' up as God is opening their eyes to see what is being created through worship. When you get to Heaven and begin to worship (from any place around Heaven) you are literally caught up and ride on your worship across the sky which takes you directly to the Throne Room. What an amazing thing to experience while living there.

If you are an artist and paint a masterpiece, in the spirit realm, every time you move the paintbrush, you release music notes from it. By the time you are finished with your artwork; you have created a 'symphony' that is captured, played in the throne room and placed in your praise gallery. When you get there one day and stand before the masterpiece you painted, you will actually hear the music your love created at the same time.

Our worship becomes a weapon as it passes right through satan's realm (the second heaven) on the way to the Throne Room. It sends spiritual missiles which do great damage to his property. They have to patch and repair a lot when we passionately worship our Lord! Read Psalms 149, which says when dance, song & instruments are done as worship, it binds the enemy in fetters of iron!

Yes, you can actually do damage to the devil's domain by worshipping God and especially when you are going through a trial. When you choose to worship instead of crying and complaining, you release GREAT love and power through your praise. Even King David, knew praise released power and that was why he always sent the dancers and singers out ahead of His armies. The battle was already won through the worship of the people. God loves it when we choose to praise; and, He will begin to move Heaven and Earth to intervene on your behalf. When we do a 'clap' offering for the Lord; it sends earthquakes through the second Heaven and demons scream in terror. Praise releases love for our God, but it also releases power!! NEVER worship the same way again, do it with passion to Love Him and do it with Power to become a weapon in your God's hand!!

