2357- the end

2011/09/27 10:55:30 網誌分類: 經濟
27 Sep

Wrote the below topic on 29 Aug 2011, it was not posted that date, as many blog friends are still focusing on 2357 in those days...

1 mth later, today(27 Sep 2011), 2357 up from last night 2.06 to 2.2x , 如當日不沽, 不見 " 140K " la.. 無言.


股市是散戶滴血的地方, 無論長線短線, 都不夠大戶玩, 是他/她們的點心.  正如 Loss 隊長所言 "止蝕清晒博士蛙, 不見100K".

去年今年多次買入2357中航科工,  口輕輕話擺20年, 一年多後, 今日已出哂, #3.58,  不見4萬多!!!!!!! {#icons_girl5}