
2011/10/26 17:49:59 網誌分類: 基督教歌曲
26 Oct





献上自己为祭,完全降服于你,灵火熊熊来焚烧,恩膏厚厚湿衣襟。 迈开征战步伐,高举基督旌旗,你看我们为华冠,以我们为精兵。 让我们重建戴维倒塌的帐幕,我们起来堵住其中的破口,重修毁坏的祭坛,释放被掳的灵魂,愿你荣耀的国度降临. 




The rebuilding of the Tabernacle of David (a house of worship) for singing, dancing and worship God.
使徒行傳 15 :16-17 16.此後我要回來,重建大衛倒塌了的帳幕,重建它損壞之處,把它重新豎立起來, 17.使餘下的人,就是所有稱為我名下的外族人,都尋求主. ( A house of prayer, a house of worship) 

In a battle, the King sent the worshipper to go before the army.  

歷代志下 20 :20-23  約沙法站起來,說:猶大人和耶路撒冷的居民哪,你們要聽我的話;信靠耶和華你們的 神,你們就必堅立;信靠他的先知,你們就必亨通。” 21約沙法和人民商議好了,就指派向耶和華歌唱的人,使他們身穿聖潔的服飾,走在軍隊的前面,讚美耶和華,說:你們要稱頌耶和華,因他的慈愛永遠長存。” 22他們正在歡呼讚美的時候,耶和華就派出伏兵,擊殺那前來攻打猶大人的亞捫人、摩押人和西珥山的人,他們就被擊潰了。 23原來亞捫人和摩押人起來攻擊住西珥山的人,把他們殺盡滅絕;他們滅盡了住西珥山的人以後,竟又自相殘殺。  


耶和華這樣說:你們口裡所說、心中所想的,我都知道。 以西結書 11:5
God knows the thoughts in our heart.  That was beyond human understanding. His way is higher than our way. His thought is not our thought. His love for us is beyond comparison. Glory to God!  Praise His name!

God is good and He loves His children.  

 Frankie, 12 Oct 2011 

13916 我未成形的身體,你的眼睛早已看見;為我所定的日子,我還未度過一日,都完全記在你的冊上了. 

羅馬書 8:29-30  29.因為神預先知道的人,他就預先命定他們和他兒子的形象一模一樣,使他的兒子在許多弟兄中作長子, 30他預先命定的人,又呼召他們;所召來的人,又稱他們為義;所稱為義的人,又使他們得榮耀 


I found that it is useful for me to listen to some soft music and then enter into a secret garden.  We can talk to Father God and the Lord Jesus.  This morning, I wept because I found that God has so much desire to be with us and yet, we have little time for Him. Frankie has no patience to wait for the Lord. 

In the past two days, I learnt that God wants us to have good character and a beautiful Christ-like life rather than have busy service for Him.  Besides,

I have learnt two things on 9 Oct 2011.
A . God demands: 

1. use our heart to worship God and communicate with Him;
2. enter the secret room/garden and meet God. 

B. God knows the thoughts in our heart.
耶和華這樣說:你們口裡所說、心中所想的,我都知道。 以西結書
God knows the thoughts in our heart. I just have such encounter on last Sunday. That is beyond human understanding. His way is higher than our way. 

His thought is not our thought. His love for us is beyond comparison.

 Praise His name! 

Frankie, 10 Oct 2011 


A sharing of a prophetic message for Frankie, which was received on 22 Oct 2011

Last Saturday, I went to the prophetic room in my church and requested prayer from prophetic people about my future service for the Lord.

The brother told me that he saw a picture.  Frankie was rowing a boat and was found difficult in rowing against the water current. He interpreted that Frankie was working hard to find out what is the will of God in his life, what kind of service that God wants Frankie to do in the rest of his life since his total surrender to the Lord on 14 Feb 2011. However, the Lord said that Frankie needs to be patient and wait for His timing to serve Him. Frankie needs to be quiet in His presence. Frankie has to lay down all the burdens and worries to the Lord.  The brother said that he saw another picture that Frankie is waiting for the Lord at a lake . Frankie keeps quiet and waits for the Lord from the morning till at night.  The Lord said that He will tell Frankie about His will for Frankie and plans for him.  However, God will tell Frankie one by one, step by step.  Frankie should step out the first step through faith. While Frankie is waiting for the Lord, Frankie should equip himself for future service. God encouraged Frankie at attend the Morning Prayer session in his church every morning. God will release revelation and His message through those morning prayer/teaching sessions.

The brother also heard the word “alignment”. That means that we should be in alignment with the direction of my church, the flow of the Holy Spirit.  The flow of the Holy Spirit is also leading Frankie towards the direction at which God leads him in his life.  Leave all worries to the Lord, including family members, the relationship with the members of the family and friends, his financial problem/issues.  Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness; all other things will be given unto us.  The kingdom of God is for the entire world, not limited to my own church.  Our church core value; first is God; second one is man; and third one is the earth.  The brother then saw a picture that Frankie is worshipping. God will show Frankie new enlightenment about worship.  God reminds Frankie to wait and for the time being, equipping himself.  God has His timing; Frankie needs to wait for His guidance.

May the Lord bless you and speak to you through this message!  I hope that you will be touched and learn something through the sharing. Please remember me in prayer.  Many thanks. 

Brother Frankie, 24 Oct 2011 


回應 (3)
2011/10/27 11:06:55 回覆


耶利米書 31:

3. 耶和華在古時曾向以色列顯現,說我以永遠的愛愛你,因此,我對你的慈愛延續不息. 4. 色列啊!我要再次建立你,你就必被建立。你要再次拿起鈴鼓,出去和那些歡樂的人一同跳舞。

20. 每逢我說話攻擊他,我必再次記念他。因此,我的心戀慕他;我必定憐憫他這是耶和華的宣告。




33. 但那些日子以後,我要與以色列家所立的約是這樣(這是耶和華的宣告):我要把我的律法放在他們裡面,寫在他們的心裡。我要作他們的神,他們要作我的子民。 34他們各人必不再教導自己的鄰舍和自己的同胞,說:你們要認識耶和華。因為所有的人,從最小到最大的都必認識我。我也要赦免他們的罪孽,不再記著他們的罪惡這是耶和華的宣告。

2011/10/27 11:06:38 回覆


勝過肉體 -作者:查思博牧師








2011/10/26 17:57:13 回覆
