
Do not be fooled by the hype

2011/11/22 08:43:02 網誌分類: 生活
22 Nov
          It baffles me that so many people are willing to line up even for days just to buy an Apple product. The frenzy over the iPhone 4S is an example. More than 1,500 consumers lined up, some for three days, just to buy the latest iPhone. I think our consumer society has gone overboard. People are easily fooled by all the hype when a new iPhone model comes on the market. They fall into a herd mentality. I would never line up for three days just to buy a phone. Some lined up to buy as many iPhones as they were allowed just to re-sell them at a higher price. I think people who pay a higher price are stupid. Why can't they just wait until the frenzy dies down so they can buy it at the normal price?

         When something baffles you it means you're confused by or unable to understand it. Frenzy means wild or uncontrolled excitement. Consumers always get into a frenzy whenever a new iPhone model is about to be released. A consumer society is a society in which people like to own many things and buy things even when they don't need them. To go overboard means to fall off a ship or boat. But it also means to overdo something or to do something too much. Some women go overboard in buying expensive creams they think will make them look young. Hype used this way means intense publicity. There was a lot of hype when the first Apple store opened in Hong Kong. Herd mentality, as I've explained before, means a large number of people all following each other in doing the same thing. My advice is that you do not go overboard with new iPhone products. Do not be fooled by the hype and do not be part of a herd mentality.


          這麼多人願意日以繼夜排隊,為的只是買蘋果的產品,令我好生困惑(baffles)。港人對iPhone 4S的狂熱(frenzy)是一個例子。超過一千五百名顧客排隊,部份人排了三日就是為了購買最新型號的iPhone。我認為我們的消費社會(consumer society)已走火入魔(gone overboard)。當新型號的iPhone運抵本港,人們很容易被各種密集宣傳(hype)愚騙,變得有羊群心理(herd mentality)。我永遠不會為買一部手提電話而排三日隊。有些排隊的人用盡限額買最多的iPhone,然後以較高價錢轉售圖利。我認為付炒價的人是笨蛋,為何他們不待熱潮(frenzy)冷卻才買iPhone,到時以正常價錢買手提電話?

         Something baffles you解作你備受困惑或無法理解它。Frenzy則解狂熱或無法控制的刺激。每當有新型號的iPhone發佈,顧客都會陷入狂熱(frenzy)。Consumer society(消費社會)指一個社會中,人們喜歡擁有很多物件,甚至買下不需要的東西。Go overboard解自船、小船上落下,但它也意指處事過火,做得太多。有些女人買太多(go overboard)名貴面霜,認為這會令自己看來年輕。Hype在此解作密集宣傳,當本港首間蘋果門市開幕,宣傳鋪天蓋地(hype)而來。正如我之前解釋,herd mentality解羊群心理,一大班人追隨對方做同一件事。我的意見是不要過份追求(go overboard)新型號的iPhone產品,不要被鋪天蓋地的宣傳(hype)所愚騙,不要養成羊群心理(herd mentality),淪為盲目地追捧潮物的一份子。

        中譯: 利以嘉

        Michael Chugani 褚簡寧

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