
2011/12/13 18:59:32 網誌分類: 金融online
13 Dec




2011年12月13日 18:39 HKT 更新







12月 13日 星期二 16:28 更新


中資金融股偏軟,中國銀行(新聞 - 網站 - 圖片)(03988.HK)及中國平安(新聞 - 網站 - 圖片)(02318.HK)跌百分之一,中行報2.8元,平保報54.75元。農業銀行(01288.HK)及中國太保(02601.HK)都跌百分之二。


中石化(00386.HK)聯同新奧能源(02688.HK),提出全面收購中國燃氣(新聞 - 網站 - 圖片)(00384.HK),中國燃氣和新奧能源停牌四個交易日後,今日復牌,中國燃氣逆市彈升兩成,報3.37元,是交投最活躍的股份。新奧能源跌百分之二,報26.4元,中石化就跌0.03元,報8.03元。





12月 13日 星期二 16:30 更新



藍籌股普遍下跌,重磅股匯控(00005)失守60元關,低見58.95元,收市報59.75元,下跌0.58%;友邦(01299)收市報23.4元,下跌1.47%;中移動(新聞 - 網站 - 圖片)(00941)收市報74.7元,下跌0.86%;港交所(00388)亦下跌0.39%,收市報126.5元。思捷(00330)遭摩通減持,低見10.2元,收市報10.28元,下跌2.84%。騰訊(新聞 - 網站 - 圖片)控股(00700)收市報148.9元,逆市上升2.13%。

地產股向下,新世界發展(新聞 - 網站 - 圖片)(00017)收市報6.29元,下跌2.63%;恒隆地產(00101)收市報22.45元,下跌2.39%;恒基地產(00012)收市報36.5元,下跌1.75%;長實(新聞 - 網站 - 圖片)(00001)收市報88.05元,下跌1.46%;信和置業(新聞 - 網站 - 圖片)(00083)收市報10.12元,下跌0.2%。惟新地(00016)收市報96.35元,上升0.31%。

內銀股普遍下跌,交通銀行(新聞 - 網站 - 圖片)(03328)下跌2.45%,收市報5.17元;農業銀行(01288)下跌2.06%,收市報3.33元;招商銀行(新聞 - 網站 - 圖片)(03968)下跌1.8%,收市報15.24元;中信銀行(00998)下跌1.13%,收市報4.36元;中國銀行(新聞 - 網站 - 圖片)(03988)下跌1.06%,收市報2.8元;重農行(03618)下跌1.03%,收市報3.83元;工商銀行(01398)下跌0.85%,收市報4.67元;建設銀行(新聞 - 網站 - 圖片)(00939)下跌0.54%,收市報5.5元。惟民生銀行(01988)上升0.15%,收市報6.63元。

內地保險股方面,中國財險(新聞 - 網站 - 圖片)(02328)下跌2.43%,收市報10.46元;中國太保(02601)下跌2.29%,收市報21.3元;中國平安(新聞 - 網站 - 圖片)(02318)下跌1.44%,收市報54.75元;中國人壽(新聞 - 網站 - 圖片)(02628)下跌0.91%,收市報19.72元。惟中國太平(00966)上升1.27%,收市報16元。

石油石化股偏軟,中海油(新聞 - 網站 - 圖片)(00883)下跌0.54%,收市報14.64元;中石油(00857)下跌1.16%,收市報9.4元;至於中石化(00386)下跌0.37%,收市報8.03元。

豪特保健OTO(06880(新聞 - 網站 - 圖片))首日掛牌,股價高見1.68元,低見1.47元,收市報1.58元,與招股價相同。




【收市解碼】受制內地股市 港股四連跌挫128點  
12月 13日 星期二 17:44 更新

【經濟日報專訊】港股全日先跌後回穩。受累歐債危機,港股低開248點,早段曾跌穿19300點,低見18297點,其後跌幅逐步收窄,惟內地股市繼續尋底,令恒指未能大幅反彈,惟三時過後,大市跌幅再度收窄,恒指收報18447點,跌128點或0.69%;國指失守10000點關口,收報9957點,跌102點或 1.02%。主板成交額為452.83億元。


兩電將大幅加電費,中午休市期間宣布需因澳洲(新聞 - 網站 - 圖片)清潔能源法案而減值19億中電(00002),下跌0.53%,收報65.75元;電能實業(00006)則倒升0.09%,收報56.7元。


堅持調控樓市 中、港地產股受壓

財政司司長曾俊華(新聞 - 網站 - 圖片)表示繼續進行冷卻樓市政策,地產股受壓,長實(新聞 - 網站 - 圖片)(00001)跌1.46%,收報88.05元;恒地(00012)跌1.75%,收報36.5元;新世界(00017)跌2.63%,收報6.29元;信置(00083)跌0.2%,收報10.12元。至於新地(00016)表現較好,倒升0.31%,收報96.35元。

另一方面,中央堅持樓市調控,內房股下跌,潤地(01109)跌4.85%,收報12.16元,為跌幅最大藍籌;中海外(00688)雖曾倒升,惟收市仍跌0.44%,收報13.56元;恒大(03333)跌0.97%,收報3.05元;雅居樂(新聞 - 網站 - 圖片)(03383)跌0.95%,收報6.25元。

供股權正式買賣 財險跌2%


瑞信唱好 鋼鐵股逆市升

中新網引述中鋼協統計資料顯示,今年首10月,500萬噸以上鋼鐵企業利潤率降至2.99%;10月份77家鋼鐵企業中,虧損額達21.25億元人民幣,較9月份增加18.3億元人民幣。不過,瑞信上調鋼鐵股投資評級至「優於大市」,鋼鐵股造好。鞍鋼(00347)升1.51%,收報5.38元;馬鋼(新聞 - 網站 - 圖片)(00323)升0.44%,收報2.28元;重鋼(01053)則跌1.67%,收報1.18元。

至於水泥股則受壓,山水水泥(00691)跌5.02%,收報5.11元;中國建材(新聞 - 網站 - 圖片)(03323)跌2.88%,收報9.12元;潤泥(01313)跌2.82%,收報5.51元;海螺(00914)跌2.69%,收報23.5元。

中國燃氣(新聞 - 網站 - 圖片)獲收購 逆市升二成

新奧能源(02688)宣布,夥同中石化(00386),以167億港元,或相當於每股3.5元,收購中國燃氣(00384)。中國燃氣逆市升20.36%,收報3.37元;至於新奧能源先後被惠譽及標普列入負面觀察名單,股價創上市新高後倒跌2.58%,收報26.4元;中石化跌0.37%,收報8.03元。小型燃氣股中油燃氣(新聞 - 網站 - 圖片)(00603)惹受購憧憬,尾市抽升,收市升22.41%報0.71元。




回應 (9)
2011/12/16 05:19:26 回覆



2011/12/16 03:21:49 回覆



【收市解碼】港股六連跌守萬八 內房電力股逆市升  
12月 15日 星期四 18:07 更新



商品資源股下挫 中海油(新聞 - 網站 - 圖片)跌4%

受累商品價格昨晚急跌,油、金股受壓。中石油(00857) 股價及相關新聞跌3%,收報9.04元;中海油(00883) 股價及相關新聞跌4.56%,收報13.82元,為跌幅最大藍籌。

至於SPDR金ETF(02840) 股價及相關新聞跌3.55%,收報1,195元;價值黃金(03081) 股價及相關新聞跌3.55%,收報39.45元。金礦股亦下挫,其中招金(01818) 股價及相關新聞急跌8.18%,收報12.12元;靈寶黃金(新聞 - 網站 - 圖片)(03330) 股價及相關新聞跌3.34%,收報3.18元;紫金(02899) 股價及相關新聞跌3.83%,收報3.01元。

另外,環渤動力煤價連跌三周,兗煤(01171) 股價及相關新聞跌5.77%,收報15.68元;中煤(01898) 股價及相關新聞跌3.05%,中午收報8.57元;神華(01088) 股價及相關新聞跌1.65%,收報32.75元。

傳銀行業新監管標準推遲執行,內銀表現跑贏國指,建行(00939) 股價及相關新聞跌1.46%,收報5.4元;工行(01398) 股價及相關新聞跌1.72%,收報4.57元;中行(03988) 股價及相關新聞跌1.78%,收報2.76元;農行(01288) 股價及相關新聞跌1.52%,收報3.25元。

國壽A股瀉9% 拖累H股跌2%

國壽(02628) 股價及相關新聞A股急挫近9%,拖累H股跌2.66%,收報19.04元;平保(02318) 股價及相關新聞及財險(02328) 股價及相關新聞午後跌幅收窄,分別跌1.75%及1.34%,收報53.25元及10.32元;太保(02601) 股價及相關新聞跌2.14%,收報20.55元。

內房及電力股逆市造好,中海外(00688) 股價及相關新聞升1.19%,收報13.58元;潤地(01109) 股價及相關新聞升1.19%,收報11.92元,為最大升幅藍籌首二名。另外,世茂(00813) 股價及相關新聞升4.38%,收報6.68元;SOHO中國(00410) 股價及相關新聞升2.87%,收報5.38元;碧桂園(02007) 股價及相關新聞升1.06%,收報2.87元。

電力股繼續逆市上升,潤電(00836) 股價及相關新聞升1.03%,收報13.78元;大唐發電(新聞 - 網站 - 圖片)(00991) 股價及相關新聞升2.92%,收報2.47元。

炒作半新股 中國多金屬反彈一成

半新股見炒作,中國多金屬(02133) 股價及相關新聞昨首日上市急挫4成,今日反彈17.78%,收報1.59元;豪特保健(06880(新聞 - 網站 - 圖片))創上市新低後逆市升4.62%,收報1.36元;中國服飾(01146) 股價及相關新聞升0.69%,收報1.45元。

大凌(00211) 股價及相關新聞停牌7年後復牌,股價急升570%,收報0.067元。





2011/12/16 03:21:18 回覆
周大福瀉8% 彤叔離首富寶座多遠?  
12月 15日 星期四 19:17 更新


周大福(01929) 股價及相關新聞 首日掛牌收市報13.8元,較發行價15元瀉8%,一則確認了港股IPO市場終於不敵歐債危機和內地經濟下滑風險的陰霾氣氛,即便是擁有超級明星投資者陣容的超級明星股;二則宣告了香港首富的寶座,李嘉誠(新聞 - 網站 - 圖片)仍然坐得穩穩陣陣,用腳投票的投資者們令周大福掌門人鄭裕彤家族失望了。周大福市值今日縮水120億元。











Quam News


2011/12/15 05:28:55 回覆



2011/12/15 05:28:25 回覆

Wall Street backpedals as global risks rise


By Edward Krudy

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Stocks fell for a third day and hit their lowest level in two weeks on Wednesday as widespread risk aversion sank commodity prices, drove the euro to its lowest in a year, and pushed Italian bond yields to a record high.

Investors are disappointed the European Central Bank is not buying more bonds of troubled European countries, a move that was widely seen in markets as a requisite next step following last week's EU summit on strengthening fiscal unity in the bloc.

With the crises festering as Europe slides into recession, the outlook for the world economy is growing bleaker.

A 5 percent slump in oil prices hit energy stocks, with S&P's energy index (SNP:^GSPE) down nearly 3 percent. Chevron Corp (.CVX) fell 3.6 percent to $99.90.

"There is a growing realization that the global economy is in jeopardy," said Bruce Bittles, chief investment strategist at Robert W. Baird & Co in Nashville. "Business is cooling everywhere. Right now, the U.S. appears to be operating in a vacuum, but that's not sustainable."

The S&P 500 (SNP:^GSPC) fell below its 50-day moving average, signaling a breakdown of its recent trading range between that level and 200-day moving average at the top end. The move has some analysts expecting further weakness.

The Dow Jones industrial average (DJI:^DJI) d ropped 153.22 points, or 1.28 percent, to 11,801.72. The Standard & Poor's 500 Index (SNP:^GSPC) fell 14.62 points, or 1.19 percent, to 1,211.11. The Nasdaq Composite Index (Nasdaq:^IXIC) lost 45.11 points, or 1.75 percent, to 2,534.16.

Copper fell near a three-week low, Aluminum hit its lowest in 17 months and tin made a three-month low. The S&P's materials sectors index (.GSPM) fell nearly 1 percent. Shares of miner Cliffs Natural Resources (NYSE:CLF) dropped 1.7 percent to $63.13.

Italy's borrowing costs rose to a record after an auction of five-year debt, while the euro fell to an 11-month low against the dollar.

U.S. stocks have been weighed down this week in part on fears that the agreement at last week's European union summit did not go far enough to resolve the two-year-old debt crisis.

"The main issue right now is the complete, absolute failure of the European Union to come to any kind of solution. They're back to where they started from," said Jeffrey Sica, president and chief investment officer of SICA Wealth Management in Morristown, New Jersey.

"Borrowing costs are going to rise, and that's going to continue to put pressure on us. The summits they've had have taken us nowhere, and soon we're going to pay the price."

Gold dropped to its lowest level since early October as the weak euro and a shortage of dollar funding near the year-end prompted investors to sell aggressively. Commodity-related shares were further pressured by a strengthening U.S. dollar.

The Arca Gold Bugs index (NYSE:^HUI), which measures the performance of 16 of the world's largest gold producers, fell 3.7 percent. Shares of Yamana Gold (NYSE:AUY), the Canadian producer, was one of the biggest losers, falling 6.3 percent to $13.92.

Investors were also disappointed the U.S. Federal Reserve made no mention of possible new stimulus measures after its Tuesday meeting.

Though a majority of economists polled by Reuters expected no more Fed action to boost the economy in the short term, another survey showed most primary dealers saw the central bank enacting some type of stimulus.

Technology shares sold off sharply. A number of companies in the industry and beyond have cut earnings outlooks over recent days, another sign of the fallout from a slowing economy. The latest was First Solar Inc (NasdaqGS:FSLR), which tumbled 20.2 percent to $33.96 after it cut its 2011 sales and profit forecast.

The maker of solar power systems joins a list of companies, including Intel Corp (NasdaqGS:INTC), DuPont and Co (NYSE:DD) and Texas Instruments Inc (NYSE:TXN), which have cut their outlooks in recent days.

An index of home builder stocks (DJI:^DJUSHB) dropped 2.5 percent after the National Association of Realtors said data on sales of previously owned homes will be revised downward because of double counting.


2011/12/15 05:27:52 回覆
12月 14日 星期三 11:54 更新

本地飲食集團蘭桂坊擬上市集資7-8億美元(約54.46億至62.24億元),主席盛智文接受訪問時表示,集團去年成功在成都(新聞 - 網站 - 圖片)複製本港的蘭桂坊模式,現時計劃進軍海南海口市,預計投資2億元,料於後年底開幕;而未來目標則包括杭州和大連等二線城市。(su/u)




2011/12/15 05:27:27 回覆



12月 14日 星期三 16:26 更新


重磅股匯控(00005.HK)跌百分之一,報58.7元,跌1.05元。利豐(新聞 - 網站 - 圖片)(00494.HK)跌百分之三,報15元,跌0.6元,是最弱勢的藍籌股。思捷(00330.HK)獲對沖基金(新聞 - 網站 - 圖片)增持,股價逆市升百分之四,報10.7元,升0.42元,是表現最好的藍籌。計劃加電費的兩電造好,中電(00002.HK)報66.25元,升0.5元。電能實業(00006.HK)升百分之一,報57.6元。

內地傳出限電的消息,中資電力股有追捧,華潤電力(新聞 - 網站 - 圖片)(00836.HK)和華能國際(新聞 - 網站 - 圖片)(00902.HK),升百分之三和四。反觀,煤炭股受壓,中國神華(01088.HK)跌百分之二,報33.3元,兗州煤(01171.HK)跌百分之四。內地上月新增貸款額略好過預期,內銀股個別發展,建設銀行(新聞 - 網站 - 圖片)(00939.HK)報5.48元,跌0.02元。中國銀行(新聞 - 網站 - 圖片)(03988.HK)報2.81元,升0.01元。






2011/12/14 05:29:21 回覆



2011/12/14 04:49:48 回覆

Fed sees risks from Europe


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Federal Reserve on Tuesday pointed to turmoil in Europe as a big risk to the economy, leaving the door open to a further easing of monetary policy even as it noted some improvement in the labor market.

The central bank characterized the economy as expanding moderately despite an apparent slowing in global growth, and said that while there had been "some" improvement in the job market, unemployment remained elevated and housing depressed.

"Strains in global financial markets continue to pose significant downside risks to the economic outlook," the Fed said, alluding in a post-meeting statement to pressures stemming from the debt crisis in the euro zone.

Prices for U.S. stocks and government debt pared gains, while the dollar rose against the euro after the announcement.

The Fed's statement issued after a one-day meeting was little changed from the announcement it released after its last gathering in early November, and it only touched lightly on apparent improvements in the economy's performance.

"They are certainly ready to lean against the wind should the economy fal ter," said Cary Leahey, managing director at Decision Economics in New York.


The Fed offered no new guidance on its evolving communications policy, and repeated that it expects inflation to settle at levels at or below those consistent with its price stability mandate.

For a second time running, Chicago Fed President Charles Evans dissented against holding policy steady, saying he favored additional easing now.

The U.S. central bank has held overnight interest rates near zero since December 2008 and has bought $2.3 trillion in government and mortgage-related bonds in a further attempt to stimulate a robust recovery.

Fed officials are divided among those who think high unemployment and sluggish growth demand more action and those who view the central bank's already-aggressive efforts as bordering dangerously on an invitation to inflation.

Some influential policymakers, including Vice Chair Janet Yellen, have suggested they would be inclined to take additional steps if growth fails to pick up.

Recent data about the U.S. economy do point to some improvement. The jobless rate tumbled 0.4 percentage point to 8.6 percent in November, factory activity has quickened and businesses are restocking depleted shelves.

Consumer spending also appears reasonably solid, although a softer-than-expected report on November retail sales on Tuesday offered a hint that it could be flagging.

The U.S. economy expanded at a 2.0 percent annual rate in the third quarter, a welcome acceleration from a sub-1 percent pace over the first half of the year. Forecasters hope growth will top a 3 percent rate in the current quarter.

However, analysts say the recovery's current strength is partly a snapback from the weakness that followed Japan's natural disasters and high oil prices early in the year.

They caution that a return to more-sluggish growth is likely, particularly with a recession brewing in Europe.

Many observers believe the Fed will step in to take steps to stimulate growth in 2012, first through communications measures that drive home their expectation that interest rates will not rise for along time, and then through more bond buying.

Yellen has said the Fed could reinforce its ultra-accommodative monetary stance by publishing policymakers' forecasts for the path of interest rates. Officials are also debating whether to adopt an explicit target for inflation.

The first step would reassure skittish markets that the Fed is not about to tighten policy any time soon. The latter would aim to dispel any doubts about the central bank's commitment to keeping inflation low.

Top officials have also remained open to adding bonds to the Fed's already bloated portfolio.

Some have said the central bank should resume purchases of mortgage-backed securities to help revive the depressed housing market; others would prefer to stick with purchases of U.S. government debt.


