內地股瘋 北京不急格老急

2007/06/06 00:05:26 網誌分類: 經濟
06 Jun


文章轉貼自: 經濟 日報 dated 1June 2007



When some mainland officials still laud (大讚) a nation of stock market speculators as a healthy development, the mainland stock market frenzy has roused international concern.Former US Federal Reserve chairman Greenspan warned that "there is going to be a dramatic contraction {戲劇性萎縮}at some points.” His remark may have gone beyond his position.” (喻皇帝不急太監急),but  if the mainland stock market bubble bursts, global stock markets and economy will not be left unscathed.



Greenspan could no longer contain his concern and warned of the risks facing the mainland stock market a couple of days ago. Right at his heels, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)(經合組織) yesterday also warned that should the mainland stock market experience a marked correction, it may threaten the banking system. The mainland stock market is still a highly closed market, why has it roused so much international concern ?



Hence, if the mainland stock market takes a freefall (暴挫),it will drag global stock markets and economy down with it. Firstly, stock swings, especially at such a time when stock markets over the world are hitting historic high. If the mainland stock market crashes, it will crush the euphoria {樂觀情緒} of global investores and touch off a global sell-off (大沽貨)



Secondly,China and the US have been acting as the global economic locomotives (全球經濟引擎)for the past few years.The US economy is already slowing down,if China's stock market bubble burst shatters (大震盪)its economy or even destabilizes its society,global economy will be in very dire straits (前景堪虞)


unscathed - 形容詞,{毫無損傷},如:
Despite falling off my bike,I remained unscathed because I was wearing a helmet and long pants. 儘管我從單車掉下來,卻毫無損傷,因為我戴了頭盔和穿了長褲.

contain - 動詞,{克制,忍耐}如:
She could no longer contain her anger and shouted at him uncontrollably.她再也控制不了憤怒,失控地向他大罵.

susceptible - 形容詞,{易受影響的}如:
She isn't very susceptiable to flattery.阿諛奉承對她起不了作用.


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