
2012/04/15 09:38:13 網誌分類: 文化
15 Apr

聖誕節食完, 依家又食 XD

今次係姑姐升左職, 去間400蚊一個自助餐既酒店食 =口="


Buffet Etiquette


Always remember, manners go a long way.

Let's check some of these tips:

1. Be patient – Queue, please !.

It doesn't matter how hungry you are, don't jump the queue. Be patient. The food will not run out, and can always be replenished.

2. Don't grumble.

Don't grumble or complain about the line, the food, the taste, the people, or compare it to a non-buffet restaurant or any other establishment. Other people do not wish you to spoil their enjoyment.

3.Use the serving spoon.

Don't use your fingers to help yourself. Scoop your food using the designated utensils to prevent mixing foods, and take care when moving food from the serving dish to your plate to avoid accidental spills.

4. Don't eat in the buffet line.

We sure know that the food is delicious, but wait to eat until you reach your table. It is not polite to taste or eat the chicken wing in the buffet line.

5. Don't follow your stomach.

Just because it is a buffet doesn't mean that you should turn it into an “all-you-can-eat” occasion. Don't fill your plate to overflowing, only to eat a little of it. Take small portion to start, you can always return for more.

Keep in mind that any business dining experience is never about food, it is always about business!

6. Don't stare at people.

Just because a person is obese, don't stare at him or her, as doing so is rude. Pay no attention to how many times a person returns to the buffet station. On a similar note, don't ask a thin person making return trips to the buffet why she, or he can eat so much. It is not polite to make such an inquiry.

7. Whatever you do, please do not ask for a to-go food container.

It doesn't matter how delicious the food in the buffet line is, never ask the server for a food container so that you can bring some back. It is a definite “no” in business events, especially if you a're an invited guest at the function.

8. Use different plates.

Try to use different plates for different courses; for example, dessert and sea food should not be on the same plate. Mind your manners and eat in an acceptable manner.

9. Don't forget the `magic words'.

Many of us assume that, because we are serving our own food, simple courtesy phrases such as “please” and “thank you” are not necessary. Your experience will be more pleasant if you maintain politeness, and you will notice that your table will be cleaned faster and your drinks refilled sooner because you are considerate.


除左網上面呢篇, 以前學儀態班有份筆記, 加埋其他網上資料先:

(1) 頭盤:湯、魚(2)小食:魚(3)餐湯 (4) 主菜 (網上面http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_is_the_sequence_of_food_service_what_are_the_different_kinds_of_food_service_and_the_meaning有個講法係食完唔係太多既沙律之後食主菜) (5) 甜品 (6)茶啡, 記住要個碟仔放茶匙 (7)餐酒?

- 茶匙唔好放嚮杯入面, 要放嚮碟仔上面

- 餐巾摺完放嚮大腿上

- 座姿要直

- 遞D飲品俾人最好用右手

- 餐包、牛油刀同牛油, 左邊既先係自己既

- 餐包要嚮餐碟上撕開細細舊先食, 再嚮餐碟上塗牛油或者果醬; (http://britishetiquetterevival.co.uk/Table_Manners) ' your butter knife will normally be on your side plate (remember this is on your left) or next to it. The only time you should butter a piece of bread without breaking it is your toast at breakfast as it will normally have been cut in half for you.'食酥餅唔好整到太細塊, 因為會碎, 最好整成兩舊可以一口食完既部份, 塗果醬食


- 飲餐湯, 唔可以低下頭, 用湯匙慢慢放入個口, 最後一啖用左手托起湯碟, 靠近自己, 用湯匙向外飲埋佢, 個湯匙放返托碟上面, 唔好留嚮個湯碟度

(http://britishetiquetterevival.co.uk/Table_Manners)'Move your soup spoon from 6 o’clock to 12 o’clock when spooning up soup, when only a little is remaining, tilt the bowl away from you to enable you to finish it.'

- 刀因由外至內咁用, 由最遠自己既餐叉開始,橫放既係甜品刀~

(http://britishetiquetterevival.co.uk/Table_Manners)'The place settings below are for a three course meal starting with soup, the first has the pudding cutlery alongside the crockery whereas the second has the pudding cutlery placed above; both are correct. The fundamental rule regarding the order of use of cutlery is to work inwards from both sides.'

- 請侍應幫忙, 用最簡單、直接既語言就得, 佢地唔係機械人

- 切野食, 刀叉要內, 唔好向住人地

- 食蠔要切隻蠔粒「的」

- 食螺要用螺夾夾住穀, 再挑D肉出黎

- 唔好放太多野入個口

- 要吐野出黎, 要用餐巾或者自己隻叉裝住, 再放碟邊或碟底

- 唔佔其他食客既位食野

- 要拎胡椒粉或者鹽糖既話, 請附近既人幫忙, 唔好伸手去好遠拎

- 食飯呢, 刀叉並排嚮碟度

- 芝士粉令意粉容易捲上個叉度




'Never scoop food up with your fork the tines should always point downwards.'

西餐餐桌禮儀之- 怎樣用刀
23/1/2011 21:45:52
網誌分類: 文化




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ivina 2021/12/09


ivina 2021/12/09


wongi 2021/11/06

送上星星。姜B魅力很厲害,他的影迷在金鐘的麥當奴排隊,在mirror 樂隊前拍照啊!場面熱鬧啊!

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