Getting Old

2012/07/14 11:36:15 網誌分類: 未分類
14 Jul













Getting old is not worrying, getting sick is.

回應 (105)
Persie 2012/08/05 14:37:10 回覆

奧足英國又再一次在互射碼出局,輸給南韓。在法定時間Aaron Ramsey有兩個射12碼機會,他好緊張,臉如死灰,結果一入一被救出。在互射12碼時,他再一次出場,射第一球,這次他反而放開包袱,射得唔錯。今次就是Chelsea Sturridge射失,而南韓五射入晒,那英國真無話可說了。


Pearce自己在1996 Euro射失12碼被德國淘汰,而為射失這球之前他是百發百中的12碼射手。今次率領英國又再在12碼遭逢滑鐵盧。 


soho* 2012/08/05 01:10:54 回覆

Yes, Madam, 改名改名

閉翳靚太 kaka, 睇完大家的留言結論係英國讀醫好過澳洲讀醫, 既然如此, 等一年當然值得啦! 況且這一年並非做宅男, 先在港修讀相關課程亦可考驗一下馬騮仔是否真的適合讀醫, 亦可以俾足時間你地考慮如何籌集資金供馬騮仔留學

他日馬騮仔畢業出黎行醫, 我地都已年紀大, 機器壞, 網友幫趁馬騮仔, 五折得唔得? 我好鬼窮, 年尾一次過找數得唔得?


Persie 2012/08/05 00:15:14 回覆

哈哈,Honduras領先巴西 1-0,好睇過戲。

Persie 2012/08/04 09:34:28 回覆

ka ka, 我好明白和支持你。如當年我有如此愛錫我的父母,今日成就會高好多。讀書真係好重要。

2012/08/03 14:56:28 回覆

DSE 放榜馬騮仔知道自己生物科失手成績只取 5 級,佢心情有幾難受我做媽媽既好清楚!一直佢最強既係生物和化學科,從來冇諗過會失手,只要生物科都取 5** 級,港大、中大醫科穩入。但人生就係咁,沒有絕對!我個心好痛好擔心,痛唔係因為可能讀唔到醫、唔係因為生物失手,係擔心係心痛馬騮仔既感受、想法、失望。佢上咗人生好寶貴的一課,講真.....不好之中都算係好事,學習面對挫折,提升 EQ!


2012/08/03 14:48:39 回覆

soho ,唔該你以後唔好再叫我富貴靚太喇!再叫我反面架!(哈哈!講笑啫!),我一啲都唔富貴,依家好鬼閉翳!

2012/08/03 14:42:41 回覆


2012/08/03 10:36:51 回覆

他說如果 聨招放榜 A1 和 A2 志願都落空馬騮仔可有以下幾種策略:

1. 先行修讀 港大、中大 理學士後申請 2013 年 9 月尾開學的英國醫學院學士課程。(如果巳修讀學士,正修讀與醫學有關的課程會増加申請的成功率)

2 . 先在港大或中大修讀與醫學有關的課程,努力完成 Year 1 以極佳的成績申請轉讀醫學學士。(難度極高)

3 . 接受現實讀 G. Laws 。(人生不能事事如意,運氣都好重要。)




2012/08/03 10:08:37 回覆




2012/08/03 07:31:33 回覆

Hi Kaka,

My friend said it's uncommon for HK international students to choose AUS for medicine. For reasons:

1. NOT guaranteed a place in AUS after graduation

2. also NOT guaranteed a place in HK! (As you need to sit clinical & written exams - & only ~10% pass rate)

But, you can almost certainly apply for PR (permanent residence) post-graduation as it's a "skilled occupation". & continue to work & stay in AUS.

Luk Sir in 1 of the blogs once said about: if you were to allow your kid to study overseas & spend HKD4XX-5XX萬; you might as well use that $ to invest - & maybe after 10-15 years, you can leave your kid with HKD1000-1200萬.

BUT, I think Luk Sir said the above for those kids who might NOT be interested in studying/ just wanted to get a "degree". Medicine is of course a profession & I trust that your kid will value it & study hard! =]

2012/08/03 00:05:04 回覆

ka ka,

問吓陸sir先啦 {#icono_46}

Persie 2012/08/02 13:52:50 回覆

ka ka: $4.5m 對我來講是天文數字,不過我知令公子在你心中是 No 1 所以你一定想給他最好的。祝事事順利。

2012/08/02 09:52:18 回覆

persie,因為英國今年九月開學已不接受申請了。澳洲是 2013 年2 月開學的,重有幾間大學接受申請。而 Monash 已經不接受申請了,但醫學院主任睇咗中四至中六的校內成績和 DSE 的公開試成績後好滿意,所以如果 通過了ISAT 考試,多數會特別取錄。

我依家真係要計好多嘢!我從來冇諗過原來係澳洲讀醫生活費加學費要 384 萬,仲未計機票同雜費和 6 年每年大約 7 % 的通漲,留學介紹所主任重提我海外生在澳洲實習係要比實習費咖!所以佢叫我一定要計好數!


二係美國一定要先修一個學士學位才能再讀醫,所以唔考慮美國。其實去英國係比較理想的,但今年九月尾開學已不可能申請到,要讀 2013 年 9 月尾,吉咗依一年打工又唔係讀書又半天吊。計來計去澳洲 Monash 醫學院係比較好的選擇。


Persie 2012/08/02 09:40:16 回覆

ka ka: 為何喜歡往澳洲讀醫?會考慮其他地方嗎?

Persie 2012/08/02 09:34:42 回覆

多謝gillywaugh,資料詳盡。讀書真係好貴。我認識的兩位年輕人都是香港副學士轉過去澳洲讀U,不求專業資格,就求大學畢業。好運地,他們的祖父母只說國語,且是東北方言,姐弟的普通話猶如mother tongue,在工作上幫助極大。家姐被指定出trip北上,又是公司晚宴司儀,細佬讀埋master degree但做機倉服務員,兩人都好乖同生活開心。

2012/08/02 07:53:58 回覆

gillywaugh、Persie 、soho , 早晨!我睇醫生的時候都會八卦望下個醫生係邊間醫學院(學士)畢業,多數係港大、中大,英國既都有好多,但澳洲就好少見。

gillywaugh 講得好岩,海外生在澳洲讀醫既學費係十分高的( 貴到嚇咗我一跳),如果係 Monash 讀內外全科醫學士,海外生要讀六年,每年學費大約 6 萬澳幣和生活費大約 2 萬澳幣,仲要計每年大約 7 % 的通漲,6 X 8 X 8 = ? 

2012/08/02 07:36:39 回覆


2012/08/01 20:36:28 回覆

Hi Kaka, (sorry that I type Chinese very slow & I'm in a bit of a hurry so I'll have to type in English)


In Melbourne: Monash Uni is OK - it's 2nd behind University of Melbourne. (5th in Australia overall). Even if I didn't google for the table below - this is everyone's impression here in Melbourne.


The medicine school in Monash Uni is 5 years.


Because of changes to University of Melbourne a couple of yrs ago (where they tried to "copy" the USA system) - students now have to complete a 3-year undergradate course first. THEN apply & hopefully get in the "4-year Doctor of Medicine" course. So a total of 7 years.


Now if it's going to be "international student" - the course fees will be quite high - just a quick glance on the table for you: it could be AUD63520 for 1 yr, times 8 = ~HKD500k per year. this course is 4 years so HKD200萬! & that's just the postgraduate course fee.


But of course, you have to weigh the benefit/satisafiction from being a doctor VS costs involved.


And on a point you have mentioned: "據聞澳洲醫生回港考執業試的成功率十分低". Vice versa applies: doctors from overseas/hk, wanting to register in AUS is also very LOW success rate.


Anyway hope the above information helps. Let me know if you have any more questions & I'll try my best to help! =)

soho* 2012/08/01 19:32:58 回覆

kaka, 對不起! 我都冇頭緒, 一個二個同事和朋友都唔識人做醫生, 家人間接識得一個眼科醫生, 但係冇去過澳洲讀書

Persie 2012/08/01 18:03:24 回覆

ka ka,幫你問過人但沒有頭緒。 兩個醫生朋友係眼科同骨科,港大畢左業n年,已經唔知現在澳洲讀醫科的情況。

識得兩姐弟在澳洲讀左幾年書。他們讀Communications 和 Hospitality,我見他們都識得幾多同學,但竟不認識讀醫科的學生!


細佬話: 「monash係間勁university, 不過對於醫科我都係乜都唔知,有識人讀藥劑,牙醫,但都係Australian Born Chinese, 唔知道返香港發展既情況。」



2012/08/01 09:40:42 回覆


2012/08/01 09:27:19 回覆

問題 1:據聞澳洲醫生回港考執業試的成功率十分低,除非因個別原因一定要去澳洲讀,住外國讀醫首選是美國和英國。(我明白如果目的是在香港執業的話,首選一定是在港讀醫。)

問題 2:有沒有親友的子女在澳洲讀醫?MONASH University 是否一所好大學?

問題 3:申請在澳洲讀醫是一定要考 ISAT ,難考嗎?




Persie 2012/08/01 08:07:25 回覆

蕃茄:如果今次阿仙奴有法比同雲佩斯隨隊,我會熱情爆燈,就算係black tie dinner我都會去。但而家就真係唔會take the trouble.

Persie 2012/08/01 08:03:33 回覆


蕃茄 2012/07/31 23:40:06 回覆

Persie, chanreborn

我一向睇波係喜歡睇球星嘅, 但今季的阿仙奴陣中巳經沒有我心目中的球星, (如果隊長走埋的話), 所以好坦白講, 今季我對睇阿仙奴比賽的熱情肯定會打個5折, 除非班小將有極驚艷的表現啦.

慳妹 2012/07/30 23:01:09 回覆

chanreborn:遇到同路人免費搭載一程,又真係幾好彩,否則咁熱天氣慢慢撐上去大球場,唔簡單呢! {#iconb_625}

舅父仔:你講的令我想起機場仍在啟德的時候,每星期五晚機場職員餐廳同樣都有 Bingo night。 從小時候開始晚飯後家人會帶我同去,小孩子眼明手快,幫手對號碼,遇到中橫行或全中時我會大叫 BINGO,記得偶爾有一位身材略為肥胖,有個小型啤酒肚的洋人滿場飛,他會走過來收飛核對並輕輕拍一拍我頭;後來才知道他是當時的機場經理 Airport Manager Mr. F. R. J. Lilliwhite 中文譯名李利威,此情此景彷彿就像昨天。 不知道機場搬到赤立角後職員餐廳現在還有沒有 Bingo night

Persie 2012/07/30 00:38:48 回覆

chanreborn, I’ll give her a little privacy, haha, she has long hair and did come with her boyfriend, but not the kissing couple.


You are right it was a big fun party. Andre Santos took the Cup and ran to the stand and was in close distance with the fans.  You know the fans would scream and this experienced player really knew how to stir up the atmosphere – he took off his jersey and threw it against the fans! Unfortunately I was on the middle level so no chance to catch it. 

I spotted a new guy, Thomas Eisfeld, in midfield.  I think this little player resembles Jack Wilshere!  Am I being imaginative or what? Please let me watch him more and see. I’m beginning to lose patience in Aaron Ramsey.

Persie 2012/07/30 00:30:33 回覆

chanreborn, the gooners sitting next to me speak Putonghua too.  And I saw the banners of Singapore and Malaysian gooners.  The fans are very international and they come overseas just to watch Arsenal play.  I agree with you Arsenal should not let the fans down.


There is a banner saying “Captain is not for Sale”, sigh.


I drove and parked at Leighton Road carpark, then walked to the Stadium.  I met the demonstration group at Percival Street and had to wait for a while before the car could get through.


Can’t wait to see more of Poldoski and Giroud.  I hate to use such a harsh word but Chamakh is basically useless. 

Nice to hear your gooner taxi sharing story, haha.

chanreborn 2012/07/30 00:22:58 回覆

persie , which girl u means? there are so many on the screen this pm and even one whose boyfriend just kissed her when he found out the spotlight on them.. then the stadium just cut off the shot of Now TV.. 4th wife of Stanley Ho was shown on the screen too...

anyway today is a big funny party and so many people reluctant to leave and just want to take a few pictures ..I hope Wenger understood now that we are very knowledgable and don't try to underestimate hong kong team and the fans here , and don't use Diaby to fool us.. he played so crap this pm frankly.


Persie 2012/07/30 00:22:23 回覆

主席,Bingo三行叫糊都唔成功啊!惟有下次再試。這個會所每個月的第四個星期六都有Bingo Night 

chanreborn 2012/07/30 00:13:28 回覆

Chairman ,persie :

So many gooners rushed in the MTR at Admiralty at 4 pm. I tried to make a smart call and took little bee out of MTR and thought it's more easier to take a tram to CWB then we can walk to stadium.

BUT i forgot there was a big Demonstration this pm and basically all traffic on the road was jammed. So I took little bee to walk to wanchai and then tried to take a taxi .. but no vacant taxi available until there was one which was taken by two gooners ...(i know becoz they wore their red and blue jersey.) then i just asked them that can we join them to go to CWB .. they said ok so 3 gooners and little bee went to CWB and we had a free ride {#icono0_1} , although i wanted to pay back the fares but they kindly rejected.. anyway I like to say thank you to those two gooners otherwise we could not enter the stadium just in time before kick off ... thanks gooners!

Persie , when we left the stadium we just find there are so many young gooners coming from shenzhen , how do i know ? becoz they printed 'Shenzhen gooners union'(in Chinese) on their back of the jersey they wore... and also so many singaporian n foreigners came to hong kong to watch their team please please Arsenal don't let us down this season !!


Persie 2012/07/30 00:13:09 回覆

老實說一句,對這隊阿仙奴我要重新醞釀一份感情。走左CescRVP,現有的球員再加上幾位新球員,令我有需要去重新投入這支球隊。我今天在想,這班球迷好熱情,如果今日是2004The Invincibles來港,我估整個球場會興奮到瘋了。真係想下都開心。

Persie 2012/07/30 00:12:07 回覆

Hi chanreborn, haha it was just a crappy game and we drew Kitchee!  Credits to Kitchee I think they played really well.


Vermaelen did not even play one minute but when the big screen featured him, all the fans cheered.  The touching moment of the afternoon was seeing so many Arsenal fans, all in jerseys, packing up the Stadium.  Mine was bought last season but a lot of the fans are wearing the new jersey today.  After all, fans are the most loyal persons to the Club for years, for decades.


Whatever our players did this afternoon, the fans gave them big claps.  The fans are so tolerant and loving.  I hope the Club and players see and feel their passion and will reciprocate.


chanreborn, not sure if you see Szczesny holding (抱住) the little mascot girl when he walked in the pitch.  All the time it is the player holding the hand of the child, right? The girl and her little brother are twins, 3 and a-half years old, and their parents are friends of my friend.  My friend texted the twins’ parents to ask why, the father said, the little girl got jealous of the brother and all of a sudden asked Szczesny to hold抱住her, and Szczesny did, so funny.


Another friend got screened on the big TV.  She sat right opposite to my stand and I texted her saying, “I say you on the big screen.”  She said “so embarrassing”, and I said “don’t be, coz they only picked the pretty girls to be shown up there.”  She was the one who went to the dinner function last night.  She texted me the photos, it was a proper black tie dinner.  She said she has some souvenirs for me, haha. 

It was all sweaty and sticky on a hot sunny afternoon, but it was fun too.

慳妹 2012/07/29 23:05:55 回覆



舅父仔:玩 bingo 有冇中獎?

chanreborn:天氣太熱啦,小蜜蜂可能一段時間沒有運動,打 30 分鐘都算佢叻囉。

chanreborn 2012/07/29 14:59:35 回覆

hi persie , chairman , tomato ,  馬仔 :

Long time no speak ... I did not appear many times recently as busy for my own venture but still come here everyday... as long as you guys are fine then i like an invisible man ..

Little bee stayed here in last two days and we will leave next hour to the stadium.. she is sleeping right now..

I took her to see chinese doctor last weekend and will see one more time today as I like her to have a medical check .

Yday i took her to play tennis but she has not played for quite sometime so she got tired after 30 mins.. hopefully she will listen to me to make more exercise from now on..

Persie , i think you have the same feeling when we looked at the squad : Wenger brings a team of reserve + 7-8 1st team players in this commerical trip to promote the club..basically it's a trip for him to observe the performance of those youngsters only , how many young players will be played regularly in coming season ? maybe 2-3 but I cannot agree what he claimed Diaby who has to be the 1st choice of French national team if he stays healthy !!! Don't tell me that he treats Diaby as a new signings !!

Anyway , little bee just wakes up so lets enjoy this evening and speak to u later.



soho* 2012/07/29 12:45:56 回覆


八年前易父勉勵女兒說:「哪怕你最後去不了奧運會, 我們也沒關係, 最重要是經歷過, 嘗試了。」


幪面馬仔 2012/07/29 02:11:47 回覆


Persie 2012/07/29 02:10:13 回覆

除了我講過的一位女性朋友健康出事,上星期又聽到另一位又是如此。她不肯說是什麼病,只說要做treatment,再做一個major operation,跟住再做treatment。唔使說都估到是什麼,所以心情都不是太好。 

足球比賽我都會照看。昨晚Eusebio Cup,皇馬人腳不齊,敗於Benfica腳下。

Rui Costa,風采不減當年。另一位是西班牙名將布達堅奴。

Persie 2012/07/29 01:57:01 回覆




Persie 2012/07/29 01:53:37 回覆


我今晚跟我的朋友在會所玩bingo night食自助餐,好casual,我覺得更寫意。我年紀大啦,追星興趣已失,除非RVP有隨隊就當別論。

慳妹 2012/07/28 23:15:39 回覆


chanreborn:小蜜蜂係咪嚟咗香港預備陪你入場睇波? 小蜜蜂:最近忙啲乜嘢?

Persie 2012/07/28 00:05:07 回覆



不過我估Patrick Vieira會出席,他帶埋曼城隻聯賽獎杯上長城同頤和園。這位ex-Arsenal曼城足球大使好賣力!

慳妹 2012/07/27 23:56:52 回覆

舅父仔:你呢幾日係咪忙於製作 banner 預備天日去接機同追星?

Persie 2012/07/27 23:35:15 回覆

馬仔:奧運在有線體育台播放,eg 61-64; 201-204,如果你有subscribe體育台就一定有得

Persie 2012/07/27 23:33:30 回覆


Benik Afobe (58)

幪面馬仔 2012/07/27 22:06:20 回覆


幪面馬仔 2012/07/24 23:14:02 回覆
2012/07/24 01:10:33 回覆

馬仔, 我屋企都吹得很正, 勁大風, 明天11 時才上班?


Persie 2012/07/24 00:28:49 回覆


幪面馬仔 2012/07/24 00:09:04 回覆

舅父仔  我想他的父母亦有同樣憂慮。

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幪面馬仔 2024/02/12



李聯廣 2024/02/12


有緣人也在此祝各位龍年行好運, 身體健康,萬事如意!

幪面馬仔 2024/02/11




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