

2013/09/19 01:18:46 網誌分類: 教育
19 Sep


問:I am going to study in the International Study Centre at Lancaster University. The foundation programme is Law and Social Studies. Except from promoting to the year 1 of the Lancaster University, I am very puzzled how to choose the 5 universities in the UCAS related to the Law programme. Is it safer to choose 1-2 universities in different levels(very popular, quite popular, normal, less popular, not popular) in the UCAS? I hope you can suggest which 5 universities I should choose in order to be safe and suitable for me? Also, which 5 universities has a higher reputation, school spirit, facilities, convenience? Which universities are better among London School of Economics, University College London, Nottingham, Durham, Edinburgh, Queen Mary, Reading, Glasgow, Aberdeen, Strathclyde, King's, Newcastle, Warwick, Birmingham, Cardiff, Bristol, Sussex, Southampton, Exeter, Dundee, Kent, Leeds, Leicester, Queen's, Belfast, SOAS, Manchester, Sheffield, Hull, East Anglia, Oxford Brookes, Brunel, Stirling, Buckingham, Liverpool, Edinburgh Naper, Swansea, Hertfordshire, Keele, Robert Gordon, West of England, Greenwich, Lincoln, Northumbria, Essex, Glamorgan, Surrey, Central Lancashire, Conventry, Chester, Aberystwyth, Salford, Ulster, Portsmouth, Huddersfield, Glasgow Caledonian, Abertay Dundee, De Montfort, Staffordshire, Manchester Metropolitan, Westminster, Bradford, Teesside, East London, City, Plymouth, Notingham Trent, Sunderland, Sheffield Hallam, Brighton, Derby, Kingston, Brimingham City, Edge. Hill, Middlesex, Bournemouth, Liverpool John Moores, St Mary's University College, Leeds Metropolitan, Bangor, Buckinghamshire New, Bolton, Anglia Ruskin, Northampton, Gloucestershire, Southampton Solent, London Metropolitan, West London, Bedfordshire, London South Bank, Canterbury Christ Church, West Scotland, Newport?

答:於UCAS五個選擇中,填報不同程度的院校的確會有較大彈性和保障。要升回原校Lancaster讀法律需要很好的成績,UCL、LSE等校同樣需要有出色的成績才有機會被取錄。建議你可以考慮Queen Mary和Bristol,其他由理工學院升格為大學的院校亦可多加留意,一般收生要求會較低,比較保險。



問:本人姐姐的姨娚想去仔英國讀測量 BSc (Hons) Quantity Surveying,因為英文IELTS得6.0分數,只可入讀Salford University, Manchester, 請問這間大學的校風如何? 學生質素可以嗎? 另一間出名讀測量是Reading University, 他的校風如何? 有多些這兩間學校資訊? 不好意思, 可以儘快回覆。因為想今年九月入學。






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