SPD4459 特色擺設(5) <生活篇> 創意煙灰缸 2

2014/11/04 20:51:14 網誌分類: Decoration
04 Nov
SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public RelationsSPD4459 特色擺設(5)  創意煙灰缸 2

岩岩介紹完激安殿堂 ゲキヤスデンドウ - 搞鬼煙灰缸。
而家等我黎介紹D 較實用嫁喇.!!!

I have introduced the ashtray from Gekiyasudendou. In this post I will introduce some more practical ashtray for you.

鍾意同朋友一路吹水一路 '打邊爐' ?
Like smoking when you are chatting with fds?
It is too inconvenience when there are a metal ashtray standing here, right?

*Lost & Found - 夾枱煙灰缸

呢款夾枱邊GE煙灰缸, 細小輕巧, 容易清理, 乃方便慳位之選

This ashtray is light, easy for cleaning and convenience, it is a best choice for you.
Now, you can start chatting with your friends without any impediment.

For more details, please visit

特別鳴謝: Jouse Cafe
Edited by Wan Lee LUI (Winnie)
SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations

Ashtray, blog, Decoration, Lost and found, shopping, SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations, Tsim Sha Tsui, Yau Tsim Mong District, 

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