Coleman 皈依源頭
Coleman 皈依源頭
Coleman 皈依源頭


2015/02/10 00:51:03 網誌分類: 宗教
10 Feb

During the Time Period of February 17, 2015 through March 19, 2015, all Lightworker Souls will be in an internal process to align with Mother’s Earth’s Activated Fifth Dimension Harmony Vibration. The process may become demanding for you, dear Ones, as you will also be aligning with God Source to lead your Heart and Soul into the New Horizon! The demand of your Time will not come from understanding and comprehending the specific details of your personalized role with Mother Earth in the Fifth Dimension, that part will come as both a Joy and a relief to finally know! The demanding part will come with the decisions you, and actually all Souls, will need to make in order to align with Mother Earth in the Fifth Dimension of the Universe. The internal process will concern a shift in priorities – shifting one’s priorities from man’s world of limitation into God’s Infinite Universe!

從人的世界到神的世界的困難將是內部的,也是心理上的調整,而非表面。雖然你可能從概念上理解四次元向五次元的轉變,而改變你日常生活和經歷的現實會使你猶豫和不確定。從概念到實施是改變的巨大步驟,適合改變,沒有完全地帶,只有信任和信念你正在做的一切都是跟隨內在的真理。 要知道通過神聖源頭,你的個人的指導來自于神,一旦你知道你是充滿光的愛、是和諧宇宙,你就會適應新的視野,這會相當的簡單。對支配命運的靈魂來說,這不是個「簡單」的過程,親愛的一們,因為相對那些支配命運的人,你有占了很大優勢,你在過去曾經體驗過五次元和諧的頻率!
The difficulty of shifting from man’s world of limitations into God’s Infinite Universe will be an internal and psychologically derived adjustment rather than external. Though you may already conceptually understand the shift from a Fourth Dimension Reality to a Fifth Dimension Reality, the reality of changing your daily routine and experiences may produce hesitation and uncertainty.  To move from the conceptualization of an idea to the implementation of an idea is a big step in adapting into any change. There is no “safe zone” in adapting to change, only the trust and belief that what you are doing is following the Truth within your “gut.”  But knowing that your personal guidance comes from God through God Source, your adaptation into the New Horizon will be relatively simple once you acknowledge the TRUTH that you are the Light Love, and Harmony of the Universe! As for Man of Destiny Souls it will not be a “simple” process for you have a great advantage over Man of Destiny Souls, dear Ones, you have experienced the Harmony Vibration of the Fifth Dimension before!

Man of Destiny Souls will become like leaves in the wind, blowing wherever the wind may take them. They will try to settle down whenever and wherever they land but the 「wind」 of the Fifth Dimension’s Harmony Vibration will not allow him or her to do so, not as long as they are neglecting the Time to become 「like」 the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe! There will be no other way! The 「wind」 as the Fifth Dimension’s Harmony Vibration will not instantaneously 「blow」 things away but will make Mother Earth’s New Harmony Vibration feel stronger and more vibrant than the Fourth Dimension Harmony ever was beginning on March 23, 2015. By July 6, 2015 Mother Earth’s New Harmony Vibration will be at 「full sail」 towards her course in becoming a Creator Planet of the Fifth Dimension!

On May 16, 2016 every Living Soul upon Mother Earth will be on the way to claiming, 「We are at One with the Earth, the Universe, and the Father and Mother of ALL!」 But until then there will be a sequential process for becoming in Unity with God. For every Lightworker Soul it will simply be a process of remembering who you are! For Man of Destiny Souls the achievement of being in Unity with God will only be realized through the process of learning and becoming 「like」 the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe as a Man of Light Soul! Once the Energy of February 14, 2015 is here, dear Ones, so will the course of Mother Earth’s new direction with God and the Universe!

【翻 譯】shan-athana
【日 期】20150209

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萬大有商量 2021/03/13

很不同的見解 {#icono0_3},不過我覺得冠狀病毒厲害過吸血殭屍.
