

2015/08/20 08:41:18 網誌分類: 生活
20 Aug
         Two weeks ago, I went to Guangzhou to visit friends who took me to a traditional Chinese medicine(TCM)doctor for my digestive problems. I have had digestive disorders for many years. Spicy and oily foods, heavy foods such as steak, pizza, and cheesecake, and even chocolates, are off-limits for me. They give me digestive problems. I eat light foods such as fish, vegetables, salads, and congee. The pills from western medicine doctors have only eased but not cured my digestive disorders. My Guangzhou friends said their relatives had tried a TCM doctor who was very good. They urged me many times to try but I was wary of seeing TCM doctors. Two weeks ago, I relented.

          The word “disorder” has different meanings but used this way it means an illness that affects a person’s normal physical and mental functions. For example, you can have a skin disorder or a mental disorder. If you are not allowed to do something, or go near a place, then it is off-limits to you. People under the age of 18 are not allowed to buy alcohol, so it is off-limits to them. People without plane tickets are not allowed to enter the restricted areas of airports. These areas are off-limits to them. If you are wary, it means you don’t have complete trust in someone or something. If you relent, it means you finally agree to do something that you had refused to do.

          The doctor gave me herbal medicine to take to any Hong Kong Chinese medicine shop to boil but all the shops I went to refused to boil the medicine because I did not buy it from them. Luckily, the wife of a Hong Kong friend boiled it. I had to drink it twice a day for six days. The TCM doctor told me not to drink alcohol during this time. The medicine had a foul(awful, disgusting, bad)taste and smell. My Guangzhou friends told me I must drink Chinese medicine for much more than six days to cure my digestive problems but I don’t think I can drink it any more. It tastes too foul.

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          Disorder這個字有不同意思,這裏解作引致人體正常生理或心理功能失調的病症。例如,你可以有skin disorder(皮膚病)或mental disorder(心理病)。若你被禁戒作某事或禁止進入某區域,那它對你來說就是off-limits。未滿十八歲的人士不能買酒,因此酒對他們來說就是off-limits。未持有機票的人不得進入機場禁區,對他們來說這些禁區也是off-limits。若你很wary,即是說你不能完全信任某人或某事。若你relent,即是你態度軟化,願意作一些本來你拒絕去做的事。



        Michael Chugani 褚簡寧

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