
2007/12/10 12:48:42 網誌分類: 雙語趣味
10 Dec


Known for its austerity, the audit commission has earned a reputation for picking on departments and public bodies that have spent taxpayers' money unwisely, if not lavishly. (The Standard, 2007/11/26)

Austerity是「苛刻」、「嚴厲」之意,正好形容對財務數字一絲不苟的審計署(Audit Commission)。其形容詞austere有「清苦」之意,例如僧人的生活清靜無為,可用austere來形容。



Hey, big spenders! Watch out for the damning report that the director of audit is going to release this coming Wednesday. (The Standard, 2007/11/26)

大花筒」的英文簡單直接,叫做big spender。我第一次接觸這個詞,是看張子強的新聞:

Also known as "Big Spender'', Cheung, 43, was the mastermind behind the 1991 attack on an armoured truck in Kowloon Bay on its way to the former Kai Tak airport. (The Standard, 2003/6/10)

Big Spender當時是「大富豪」的英譯,其實也指張豪花的個性。說回旅發局,其亂花錢程度確實令人側目,例如無端為前高層購買十七萬的醫療保險:

Another item which raised the auditors' eyebrows involved the insurance for an ex-top official…... (The Standard, 2007/11/29)

eyebrows是眼眉。有時我們看到些令人不忿、驚訝的事情,雙眼會睜大,眉毛也略向上揚,英文習語raise your eyebrows就是形容這種情態。中文則多把焦點放在眼上,故有「睜大眼」、「令人側目」的說法,卻少用眉去描述相似情況。


TRIPPED UP - Wasteful tourism board slammed (The Standard, 2007/11/29)

旅發局常常要「出trip」,但trip up與旅遊無關。求學時總有些頑皮學生(就是我),愛在人家走過時,伸腳出來絆倒對方,這種行為,英文就叫trip up。這個動詞片語既是絆倒之意,也引伸作「刻意使人犯錯」,或廣東話的「跣人」、「裝我彈弓」。

Slam這個字不難,如果你看過漫畫《男兒當入樽》,便知道其英文名是Slam Dunk,「入樽」之意。Slam即「砰一聲把門大力關上」,其重點是那種力量和發出的砰砰聲,入樽正是充滿這種爆炸力的動作,很自然這個字也引伸出「猛烈抨擊」的意思。
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