
2007/12/23 16:27:28 網誌分類: 職場
23 Dec










回應 (4)
2007/12/24 10:46:13 回覆
Forget about the trouble and enjoy the coming holidays starting tonight.

Those not educated is just like this way.  They desire to stay in the bottom layer of the society.  Too sad is that governments all over the world still believe in the biggest tricks that scholars are playing and saying that education could change and c reate a better life!  For those who not want to be educated, why force them to be educated???

Education will finally lead to great great trouble of the world.  It is because there are so many university graduates every year coming out from universities, and if not majority of them could get employed, then these educated people sure will make big trouble in the society.  These riots stir up by the the educated and unemployed people will happen all over the world in 40 years (actually it should be within 50 years from the kick-off date of it.  I assume the kick-off date is in 1997 with reference to the situation in HK, which in 1997, 7 universities are already open up and invite applicants to study in their colleges.)

The recent Government, leaders, scholars, and those so-called professional persons in all countries all over the world are so stupid and could not see the defects and disadvantages of so many systems human beings have developed, these includes the democracy political reform, the broaden up of the scope of the common education, welfare system, etc.  All these "inventions" just delay the outburst of some serious problems of the human beings, but not solving it at all.  These systems just let the problems hidden up and grow in an enormous size then burst!

And I think the common education is surely the biggest problem of recent days.  We are trying to destroy our own species by doing so.  At least one could look into why God has said and always tried to avoid to let people get educated and have the kowledge by eating the apple, it is because the God does not want to see human beings destroy themselves after they have enough knowledge to do so.

Just put down a mark and article here to prove that I could forsee these undesirable future originated from the dummy Governments' policy and determination of getting all people educated.
2007/12/23 19:01:23 回覆


2007/12/23 18:59:26 回覆
2007/12/23 17:33:22 回覆


體魄強健,精神爽利;                                           笑意盈盈,心境長青!

聖誕及新年快樂啊~                                          願你工作如意,女兒學有所成,                            一家人平平安安,享受這節日歡欣。                                

狀告你的學生們簡直不知所謂,                                               校方明察秋毫,你不會有事的!信我。

