
2008/01/08 15:06:39 網誌分類: 宗教
08 Jan


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── 08 人人行好運,偉明居士 贈貴言 ──


2008,新的一年又來到了!新的環境、新的工作、新的孩子……悲傷事情應該忘卻,好好兒大展自己新的拳腳吧!偉明居士 樂意於人生各方面協助大家一把。


正所謂「不怕生壞命,至怕改壞名」……找偉明居士 聊個天兒、為將要出生或者已經出生的孩子改個好名吧!姓名學 無分年齡,成人也可以改名改運。




掌相、面相,從小到大都在變遷,但「人字掌」、「川字掌」等等基本上不會變動;八字 能看命格,掌相、面相 也能看性格、專長、人生起跌。婚姻?掌相、面相 都能給你一點點兒的啓示!所以說,找偉明居士 看掌相、面相,老少咸宜;憑著超過33年玄學經驗 ,以及偉明居士 貢獻社會、為人父親等人生體驗,大家都會學到更多趨吉避凶的方法。


天上的星宿,多漂亮!它們到底代表甚麼呢?原來星宿的驛動,都不斷改變著地上的人的命運!想知道更多,可以跟偉明居士約個時間請教紫微斗數 --偉明熱線:66086728。


想轉換居住環境?先看看陽宅風水 吧!偉明居士,精通奇門遁甲,許多生意人都找他幫忙看看廠房呢。




有緣人,贈你幾句:從二零零七年十二月開始,偉明居士 會於星期五、六、日及其他公眾假期 於黃金海岸商場45號攤位 為大家指點迷津、排解疑難:





想確保偉明居士 在場?可以先撥熱線66086728 查問。想學習玄學,大家都可以跟他預約呢!







-- Wai-ming the Fortune Teller Presents You the Best 2008 –


2008, a new good year! New environment, new job, new baby Miserable things should be forgot but talents and abilities should be shown off! It is Wai-ming the Fortune Tellers pleasure to lend you a hand in every aspects of your life.


As the Chinese proverb says, ‘don’t care how a child’s life is born; really care how the name is formed’. Chat with Wai-ming the Fortune Teller and give a good name to your new-born child! The Doctrine of Naming is without age border; re-naming can also re-start an adult’s life in a better way.


Facing your children, the fears of them ‘not growing up’ and ‘deteriorating after growing up’ float onto your mind. Have you taken down your children’s time of birth, date of birth, and year of birth? Share your worries with Wai-ming the Fortune teller who can tell you the personality, potential achievement and nurturing way your children should have.


The Palmistry and Physiognomy of a person is steadily changing. However, the shape of everyone’s main ‘hand-lines’ are basically formed since very young. Like the investigation of a person’s birthing time, Palmistry and Physiognomy can also tell how the person should behave, what the person should be good at and what ups and downs the person would be undergoing. Marriage? Palmistry and Physiognomy can of course give you hints! This is why asking Wai-ming the Fortune Teller Metaphysics is a good choice for everyone. With Wai-ming the Fortune Teller’s over 33 years’ experience of Metaphysics, serving the community and being a father, all can gain much from him to fade away tragedies and to embrace possible fortune.


Stars, how beautiful are they! What do they represent? Astrology, in fact, can frequently affect your life. Wanted to know more? Dial Wai-ming the Fortune Teller’s hotline of 66086728 and discuss the Astrology about your life!


Wanted to live in another place? You need to be aware of the Fengshui theories of Human Habitation! ‘Qi Meng Dun Jia’ is a famous division of Fengshui and Wai-ming the Fortune Teller is keen on that; many businessmen also ask him to investigate their factory sites.


How can we find Wai-ming the Fortune Teller?


Predestined friends, give you some golden advice: from December 2007 onwards, Wai-ming the Fortune teller has been operating his Metaphysics counter in every Friday, Saturday and Sunday. On other public holidays, Wai-ming the Fortune-teller will also provide you hints of life at the 45th counter of the Gold Coast Shopping Mall:


Friday, Saturday and Sunday—13:00-18:00;

Other public holidays: 11:00-19:00.


Wanted to guarantee Wai-ming the Fortune Tellers presence? Dial the hotline 66086728. This hotline is also available for you to book Metaphysic lessons from him!




Newsletter by Ivina



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回應 (3)
ivina 2008/01/08 18:25:02 回覆





── 08 人人行好運,偉明居士 贈貴言 ──



2008,新的一年又來到了!新的環境、新的工作、新的孩子……新的大展拳腳的機會!偉明居士 樂意於人生各方面協助大家一把。


正所謂「不怕生壞命,至怕改壞名」……找偉明居士 聊個天兒、為將要出生或者已經出生的孩子改個好名吧!姓名學 無分年齡,成人也可以改名改運。




掌相、面相,從小到大都在變遷,但「人字掌」、「川字掌」等等基本上不會變動;八字 能看命格,掌相、面相 也能看性格、專長、人生起跌。婚姻?掌相、面相 都能給你一點點兒的啓示!所以說,找偉明居士 看掌相、面相,老少咸宜;憑著超過33年玄學經驗 ,以及偉明居士 貢獻社會、為人父親等人生體驗,大家都會學到更多趨吉避凶的方法。


天上的星宿,多漂亮!它們到底代表甚麼呢?原來星宿的驛動,都不斷改變著地上的人的命運!想知道更多,可以跟偉明居士約個時間請教紫微斗數 --偉明熱線:66086728。


想轉換居住環境?先看看陽宅風水 吧!偉明居士,精通奇門遁甲,許多生意人都找他幫忙看看廠房呢。




有緣人,贈你幾句:從二零零七年十二月開始,偉明居士 會於星期五、六、日及其他公眾假期 於黃金海岸商場45號攤位 為大家指點迷津、排解疑難:





想確保偉明居士 在場?可以先撥熱線66086728 查問。想學習玄學,大家都可以跟他預約呢!






Wai-ming the Fortune Teller Presents You

the Best 2008



2008, a new good year! New environment, new job, new baby New opportunities for your talents and abilities to shown off! It is Wai-ming the Fortune Tellers pleasure to lend you a hand in every aspects of your life.


As the Chinese proverb says, ‘don’t care how a child’s life is born; really care how the name is formed’. Chat with Wai-ming the Fortune Teller and give a good name to your new-born child! The Doctrine of Naming is without age border; re-naming can also re-start an adult’s life in a better way.


Hoped to know the future of your children? Have you taken down your children’s time of birth, date of birth, and year of birth? Share your worries with Wai-ming the Fortune teller who can tell you the personality, potential achievement and nurturing way your children should have.


The Palmistry and Physiognomy of a person is steadily changing. However, the shape of everyone’s main ‘hand-lines’ are basically formed since very young. Like the investigation of a person’s birthing time, Palmistry and Physiognomy can also tell how the person should behave, what the person should be good at and what ups and downs the person would be undergoing. Marriage? Palmistry and Physiognomy can of course give you hints! This is why asking Wai-ming the Fortune Teller Metaphysics is a good choice for everyone. With Wai-ming the Fortune Teller’s over 33 years’ experience of Metaphysics, serving the community and being a father, all can gain much from him to fade away tragedies and to embrace possible fortune.


Stars, how beautiful are they! What do they represent? Astrology, in fact, can frequently affect your life. Wanted to know more? Dial Wai-ming the Fortune Teller’s hotline of 66086728 and discuss the Astrology about your life!


Wanted to live in another place? You need to be aware of the Fengshui theories of Human Habitation! ‘Qi Meng Dun Jia’ is a famous division of Fengshui and Wai-ming the Fortune Teller is keen on that; many businessmen also ask him to investigate their factory sites.


How can we find Wai-ming the Fortune Teller?


Predestined friends, give you some golden advice: from December 2007 onwards, Wai-ming the Fortune teller has been operating his Metaphysics counter in every Friday, Saturday and Sunday. On other public holidays, Wai-ming the Fortune-teller will also provide you hints of life at the 45th counter of the Gold Coast Shopping Mall:


Friday, Saturday and Sunday—13:00-18:00;

Other public holidays: 11:00-19:00.


Wanted to guarantee Wai-ming the Fortune Tellers presence? Dial the hotline 66086728. This hotline is also available for you to book Metaphysic lessons from him!



Newsletter by Ivina with ideas corrected by Wai-ming the Fortune Teller
















ivina 2008/01/08 17:51:31 回覆



頭條優惠咪就係快d見到佢既廣告lor =〕


2008/01/08 17:24:20 回覆




ivina 2021/12/09


ivina 2021/12/09


wongi 2021/11/06

送上星星。姜B魅力很厲害,他的影迷在金鐘的麥當奴排隊,在mirror 樂隊前拍照啊!場面熱鬧啊!

淺雪 2021/10/30
