
"Run fast" (struggle upstream) of the 如何製定自己的減肥食譜呢rules

2016/06/24 14:26:25 網誌分類: 未分類
24 Jun

- Game origin, history, profile

When the deck runs Fighter, also known as the "off" brand, mainly popular in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, the university campus which is also very popular. Rules of the game similar to the popular northern "hoe big D". This game aims to find ways to get their cards in the hand play out as soon as possible, who finished first in the hands of the cards, that is victory.


- Detailed rules, the outcome determination method


Players: 4 people, in order to facilitate the game, when the game room only 3 people and are by the game can also be "Start".


Purpose of the game:


Each player will have to find ways to play out the cards in their hands as quickly as possible. Who should finish all the cards, is the winner.


Use the number of cards


The game uses all 108 cards, each player 27 cards.


- To use basic, simple gameplay


The licensing process


Licensing, the first game made by the first game player, after each game in the last inning to win the game by the licensing of traders;


Each game by first spades game in 3 of the first play, he can out of a card, it can be a few cards, as long as the correct card type on it;


Players take turns the cards, the cards must be played after a big play cards than the previous one, if not abstain (Pass);


If the other players are Pass, the last one of the cards can be a brand new type;


Repeat 3-4 until a game in the hands of all the cards finish.


Size cards


Game card points to descending order: King, Wang, 2, A, K, Q, J, 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3;


Leaflets, right, Triples Zhang, even right, even Triples Zhang, straight, flush card type, etc., directly determine the size according to card points, but requires a license number must be the same;


Bombs, if the same number of a card, press card points to determine the size, or the number of cards, the more the greater the sheets;


Flush straight larger than the number of cards at the same sheets;


Card type


Leaflets, may be in the hands of any card;


Yes, the same card two cards points, two cards can be different colors;


Even right, two pair or more than two pairs are connected, such as: 33 44,99 88.


Triples Zhang, the same brand point three cards, three cards of the suit may be different; even Triples Zhang, two or more than two cards Triples connected, such as: 888 333 444,999; each of Triples Zhang may have a single or pairs, such as: 5554,555666344.


Straight, five cards or more points five consecutive cards, color is not limited. For example: 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10, J, Q, K and the like.


Flush, straight cards of the same suit;


Bombs, or four cards of the same four or more cards points, such as: 4444,77777, JJJJJJJ, 44445555; bomb with a card requires prior agreement (default irregular with a card), a single bomb can take two or two pairs of cards, when the pressure when the bomb home, brought the number of cards must be consistent.

fav link:  如何製定自己的減肥食譜呢


