
all the rage

2016/08/02 08:41:25 網誌分類: 生活
02 Aug
          Many of my friends are surprised that I have not yet played Pokémon Go. They said Pokémon Go is all the rage now. When something is “all the rage” it means it is very popular at a particular time. The game Angry Birds was?all the rage?some years ago. Many people played it on their mobile phones but it is no longer popular. When people ask me why I don’t play Pokémon Go, I tell them I don’t want to walk around the streets like a?zombie?staring at my mobile phone. A zombie, as I have explained before, is the body of a dead person that can still walk and do certain things, like you sometimes see in movies. A zombie?can also mean a person who doesn’t respond when others talk and is completely unaware of what is happening around him.

          People who play Pokémon Go will know that the word “gotcha” pops up on the screen when a player catches a Pokémon creature such as Pikachu. When something “pops up” it means it appears suddenly. If you have not invited a person to your birthday party but he suddenly appears anyway, you can say he?popped up uninvited. Advertisements often suddenly appear on websites. These are “pop-up ads”, which many people hate. While I was signing books at the book fair last week, some people who like to play Pokémon Go asked me what “gotcha” means. It is a very common American slang word that simply means “got you”. If you say “got you” very fast it can sound like “gotcha”.

          The word “gotcha” can be used in several ways. If you have captured or defeated someone, you can say “gotcha”. That’s why the word “gotcha” pops up when a player catches a Pokémon creature. If you catch someone stealing your mobile phone or lying you can also say “gotcha”. I want to take this opportunity to thank all of you who came to the book fair to buy my books, talk with me, and take pictures with me. Thank you very much for your support.


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        我有許多朋友對於我還未玩Pokémon Go,感到很意外。他們說,Pokémon Go現在非常流行(all the rage)。當某事物是all the rage時,意思即是它風靡一時、非常時興。好些年前,遊戲Angry Birds也曾風靡一時(all the rage),許多人也在手機上玩這個遊戲,但現在已不再流行了。當人問我為甚麼我不玩Pokémon Go時,我告訴他們,我不想在街上四處走,像喪屍(zombie)般盯着手機。正如我以前解釋過,zombie就是喪屍,他們死了但還能走動和做某些事,就像你有時在電影中所見的。Zombie也指一個人像行屍走肉般,其他人說話他也沒反應,對身邊發生甚麼事也毫不察覺。

          玩Pokémon Go的人現在會認識“gotcha”這個字,因為當玩家捉到像比卡超的寵物小精靈時,這個字就會在熒幕上彈出(pops up)。某東西pops up的意思即是它突然出現。若你沒有邀請某人到你的生日派對,他卻突然出現,你也可以說他popped up uninvited。網頁就不時會突然彈出廣告,許多人對之也很厭惡,那些廣告就叫“pop-up ads”。當我上星期在書展簽書時,有些喜歡玩Pokémon Go的人問我,“gotcha”是甚麼意思。這是一個很常見的美式俚語,簡單而言就是指“got you”。若你唸“got you”唸得很快,發音就會近似“gotcha”。

          “Gotcha”也可以有幾種用法。若你捕捉到或擊敗某人,你也可以說gotcha。因此當玩家捉到一隻寵物小精靈時,“gotcha”這個字就會彈出(pops up)。若你逮到某人偷你的手機,或是撒謊,你也可以說gotcha。我想藉此機會感謝所有來書展買我的書、跟我聊天和合照的朋友。非常感謝你們對我的支持。



        Michael Chugani 褚簡寧


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