
nip it in the bud

2016/08/09 08:41:45 網誌分類: 生活
09 Aug
         It is now crystal clear that the central and Hong Kong governments are so worried about the nascent independence movement that they want to nip it in the bud. That’s why independence supporters such as Edward Leung Tin-kei were?barred?(stopped, excluded, prevented) from becoming candidates in next month’s Legislative Council election. The word “crystal” has several meanings but used this way it means a special type of transparent and clear glass. The expression “crystal clear” means very clear. For example, it is crystal clear that Leung Chun-ying wants a second term as chief executive. The word “nascent” means only recently started or just started to exist but likely to grow bigger. A bud?is a small growth on a plant that grows into a flower or leaf. The expression “nip it in the bud” means to destroy something at an early stage or before it can grow bigger.

          But I think that in trying to nip the independence movement in the bud the government has instead shot itself in the foot. To?shoot yourself in the foot?means to do something stupid that hurts your own interests. The government?shot itself in the foot?by demanding that Legco candidates sign an extra form?pledging?(promising, agreeing) to uphold the Basic Law by not supporting independence. Even though most Hong Kong people don’t support independence they were angry the government suddenly insisted that candidates must sign an extra form. They felt the government was?screening out?candidates it didn’t like. To “screen out” used this way means to prevent someone from coming in or joining something.

          Leung Tin-kei was?barred?from becoming a Legco candidate even though he signed the new form?pledging?not to support independence. The official who handled his application to be a candidate said she did not trust his?pledge. This has angered many Hong Kong people. The government?shot itself in the foot?because many more people will now vote for Legco candidates who support Leung Tin-kei. In trying to nip the independence movement in the bud?the government has actually helped it to grow.

          顯而易見(crystal clear),中央和香港政府現在非常擔憂新崛起的(nascent)獨立運動,要將其消滅於萌芽時(nip it in the bud)。港獨支持者如梁天琦因此被禁止(barred)參選下月的立法會選舉。Crystal有幾個意思,在這裡是指水晶,習語 crystal clear 意即非常清楚。譬如,顯而易見(crystal clear)梁振英想連任特首。Nascent 是指新崛起或新興的事物,可望更為壯大。A bud 就是嫩芽或花蕾。習語 nip it in the bud 意指消滅於萌芽時,或防患於未然。

          然而我認為,嘗試將獨立運動消滅於其萌芽時(nip the independence movement in the bud),政府卻其實在搬石頭砸自己的腳(shot itself in the foot)。To shoot yourself in the foot意指做蠢事損害了自己的利益。政府要求立法會參選人簽署額外的確認書,承諾(pledging)會維護基本法,絕不支持港獨,這是拿石頭砸自己的腳(shot itself in the foot)。即使大部分香港人並不支持港獨,他們卻惱怒政府突然堅持參選人要簽署額外的確認書。他們感到是政府在篩除(screening out)它不喜歡的候選人。To “screen out”在這裏的意思是將某人排除在外。

          即使梁天琦已簽妥新確認書,承諾(pledging)不會支持港獨,他仍被禁止(barred)成為立法會選舉候選人。處理其申請的官員表示她不能信納他的承諾(pledge)。這就觸怒了許多香港人。政府是拿起石頭砸自己的腳(shot itself in the foot),因為會有更多人投票給那些支持梁天琦的候選人。政府嘗試將獨立運動消滅於萌芽時(nip the independence movement in the bud),實質卻助其生長。



        Michael Chugani 褚簡寧

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