
“go to the polls”

2016/08/23 08:41:19 網誌分類: 生活
23 Aug
         When voters go to the polls, they usually vote for the candidate they like best or the candidate they think can serve their society best. To “go to the polls” means to vote in an election. Most countries have?booths?(tiny temporary rooms) at polling stations where voters can vote in private. These are called polling booths. Hong Kong voters will?go to the polls?on September 4 to elect members of the Legislative Council. Instead of saying “go to the polls” you can also say Hong Kong voters will “cast their ballots” on September 4. Both have the same meaning. American voters will go to the polls on November 8 to elect a new president. They will also elect members of the US Congress.

         Hillary Clinton of the Democratic Party is competing against Donald Trump of the Republican Party to become America’s next president. When Barack Obama competed against the Republican Party’s John McCain in 2008 and Mitt Romney in 2012, most voters chose him because they either liked him or felt he could serve America best. Obama won both elections by a landslide. When lots of rocks and mud from a mountain suddenly slide down, usually caused by heavy rain, it is called a landslide. But if a candidate wins an election by a landslide, it means the candidate wins by a lot of votes.

         Many American voters who?go to the polls?on?November 8?won’t be voting for the candidate they like best or the candidate they think can serve their country best. This is because many voters don’t like Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. They say they will either not vote or vote for?the lesser of two evils. The expression “lesser of two evils” means the less harmful, hateful, or unpleasant of two choices. Many Americans feel both candidates are not likeable and unfit to become president. They, therefore, have to choose?the lesser of two evils, or the less unlikeable of the two.

         * Due to a typo, the word “accidentally” was mistakenly spelt as “accidently” in the August 16 column. Thanks to all of you who emailed me about the error.

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         當選民去投票(go to the polls)時,他們通常會選投自己最喜歡的、或是他們認為最能服務社會的候選人。To “go to the polls”意思就是投票。大部份國家在票站都有小隔間(booths),讓選民可在其內私密地投票。這些投票間就叫polling booths。香港的選民會在九月四日投票(go to the polls),選出立法會議員。除了“go to the polls”你也可以說香港選民會在九月四日cast their ballots,兩者意思是一樣的。美國的選民會在十一月八日投票(go to the polls)選出新總統,也會選出美國國會的議員。

         民主黨的希拉莉將會與共和黨的特朗普競逐美國下屆總統之位。當奧巴馬於二○○八年與共和黨的約翰.麥凱恩、以及二○一二年與米特.羅姆尼競爭時,大部份的選民也投了給他,因為他們喜歡他,又或者認為他最能為美國效力。奧巴馬在兩次選舉中都以壓倒性的姿態(by a landslide)勝出。Landslide就是山泥傾瀉,多為豪雨所導致;但若一位候選人wins an election by a landslide,意思即是那人以壓倒多數的選票勝出。

         許多美國人在十一月八日投票(go to the polls),並非選出他們最喜愛或是他們認為最能服務國家的候選人。這是因為許多選民也不喜歡希拉莉和特朗普,他們說,他們情願不投票,或是vote for the lesser of two evils。習語 the lesser of two evils即是二害取其輕,在兩個選擇中選取較為不那麼有害、可惡或是討厭的。許多美國人也認為兩位候選人都不那麼討人喜歡,也不太適合當總統。因此,他們情願二害取其輕(the lesser of two evils),或是選一個不那麼招人討厭的。

         * 因為手民之誤,於八月十六日的專欄中,“accidentally”一字被誤寫成 “accidently”。感謝所有傳電郵給我指正錯處的讀者。



        Michael Chugani 褚簡寧


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