

2016/09/01 08:41:48 網誌分類: 生活
01 Sep
          Last week I went to a very unusual exhibition in Shanghai. The exhibition, which will last until mid-October, combines art with fashion. It's called the BAGISM exhibition. The word "bagism" is not in the Oxford and Cambridge dictionaries but many online sites have explanations of the word. Singer and songwriter John Lennon, who started the famous 1960s band the Beatles, invented the word in 1969. Lennon was shot to death in 1980 in New York by a mentally-unstable fan. In March 1969 Lennon and his Japanese wife Yoko Ono went inside a huge bag to promote peace during a press conference in Vienna. They said bagism meant wearing a bag over the entire body. If people were inside bags they would not be able to see the skin colour, hairstyles, clothes, and sex of each other. They would only be able to judge people by what they say, not by what they look like.

          The K11 museum in Shanghai owned by Adrian Cheng Chi-kong combined Lennon and Ono’s invention of bagism with actual historical handbags to create an unusual BAGISM exhibition. Some handbags are over 400 years old. I went to the exhibition because I wanted to see how women’s handbags evolved (gradually changed) over the centuries. The exhibition has over 300 handbags, including handbags of famous people such as Britain’s Queen Elizabeth, Princess Diana, who was killed in a car crash in 1997, and Hong Kong actress Carina Lau Kar-ling. Even the original so-called 2.55 handbag that Coco Chanel used is at the exhibition.

          The handbags at the exhibition are priceless. When something is priceless, it means it is so precious (valuable, expensive) and rare that it is impossible to decide what the price should be. Lennon wrote many songs about peace, love, and harmony. Hong Kong has become a very politically-divided city. Hong Kong people and politicians should listen to Lennon’s songs. They should put bags over their bodies so they can only hear but not see each other. This will encourage harmony instead of hate caused by politics. I hope someone will have the courage and imagination to start a BAGISM political party.

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          上星期我去了上海一個相當與別不同的展覽。該展覽結合了藝術與時裝,展期至十月中。展覽名為「BAGISM 包.當代」藝術展。"Bagism"一字沒有收錄在牛津與劍橋字典裏,但許多網址都有這個字的解釋。創立1960年代知名樂隊「披頭四」的唱作人約翰連儂,於1969年發明了這個字。連儂於1980年在紐約被一名有精神病的樂迷槍殺。1969年3月,連儂和他的日籍妻子小野洋子於維也納一個新聞發佈會上,走進一個大袋中,以宣揚和平的訊息。他們說,bagism就是將全身裝在一個大袋裏。若人們都活在袋子裏面,就不能看見對方的膚色、髮型、衣着甚或性別,只能以對方所說的而非其外表來判斷人。

          屬於鄭志剛的上海K11美術館,將連儂與小野所發明的bagism,與極具歷史價值的真實手袋結合起來,創作成這個不平凡的「BAGISM 包.當代」藝術展,有些手袋已有四百年歷史了。我參觀這個展覽,是為了看看女人的手袋在這幾個世紀間怎樣逐步的演變(evolved)。展覽展出了超過三百個袋袋,包括英女皇伊利沙伯、1997年死於車禍的戴安娜皇妃,還有香港女星劉嘉玲等名人的手袋。就是可可.香奈兒所用的原版2.55手袋也在展覽中展出。



        Michael Chugani 褚簡寧

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