
Beware of imposters

2016/10/11 08:41:25 網誌分類: 生活
11 Oct
          Beware of imposters. To beware means to be very careful about someone or something. An imposter is a person who pretends to be someone else. Imposters can do great harm to the people they pretend to be. That’s why it is important to beware of imposters. Last week some friends told me they had seen my columns posted on my Facebook. I was shocked. I do not use Facebook and do not have a Facebook page. My friends were?taken aback?(surprised and confused) when I told them this. They immediately used their mobile phones to show me a Facebook page with my name. I was startled to see this. To be startled means to feel a sudden shock and surprise. I couldn’t believe that an imposter?had used my name to start a Facebook page.

          Several of my friends suggested that I should write to Facebook to set the record straight. The expression “set the record straight” means to correct a misunderstanding so that the true facts are known. Writing to Facebook to set the record straight is a cumbersome (slow and complicated) process. But I want to make clear to everyone that I have never used Facebook. In fact, I am not a fan of social media. I have never used Twitter and have never posted anything on YouTube. I use WhatsApp for work purposes. My TV shows, columns, and books keep me so busy that I don’t have time for Facebook. When I have spare time, I prefer to go for long walks in the country parks.

          The Facebook page with my name is not mine. Maybe people who like my columns and TV shows started the Facebook page so they can put my columns there. If that is the reason, I hope they will set the record straight by making it clear it is not my Facebook. Social media has changed the world. It lets families and friends keep in touch and share information. This is good. But it can also be harmful if used in a dishonest way.

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        Beware of imposters. To beware意思就是要格外留神某人或某事。An imposter就是假冒別人的騙子,他們會為他們所假冒的人帶來傷害。因此,要當心(beware)冒充別人的騙子(imposters)是很重要的。上星期有些朋友告訴我,他們見到我在臉書貼出的專欄。我很震驚。我不用臉書,也沒有臉書專頁。當我告訴他們此事時,他們都大吃一驚(taken aback)。他們立即用手機向我展示用我名字開的臉書專頁。我見到時很吃驚(startled)。To be startled意思就是受驚、感到意外。有個冒充者(imposter)用我的名字去開個臉書專頁,令我難以置信。

          有幾位朋友建議我寫信給臉書,以正視聽(set the record straight)。習語 set the record straight意思即是去澄清一個誤解,以正視聽。寫給臉書以正視聽(set the record straight)是個相當累贅繁複(cumbersome)的過程。但我想明確表明,我從來沒有用過臉書。事實上,我不是社交媒體的擁戴者。我從不用推特,也從未在YouTube上傳過影片,用WhatsApp也只是工作需要。我的電視節目、專欄和寫書已經令我很忙碌,根本沒時間去玩臉書。我有餘暇也情願去郊野公園散散步。

          有我名字的臉書專頁並不屬於我。或許有些喜歡看我專欄和電視節目的人開了個臉書專頁,在上面放我的文章。若是這樣,我希望他們可以澄清(set the record straight),明確表示那不是我的帳戶。社交媒體已經改變了世界,它令許多家庭和朋友可以保持聯繫,分享資訊,這是好的。但若不誠實使用,也可以帶來損害。


        Michael Chugani 褚簡寧

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