
value for money?

2016/11/01 08:41:14 網誌分類: 生活
01 Nov
         Are Hong Kong''s legislative councillors good value for money? Many people will agree they are definitely not good value for money. The expression "value for money" means getting good value for the money you spend. It is very good value for money if you can buy a luxury flat on the Peak for $10 million but, of course, that is impossible. Many university graduates in Hong Kong earn about $12,000 a month. This is good value for money for bosses but it is unfair to pay university graduates such a low salary.

         Many people are in the dark about the monthly salary of legislative councillors. To be in the dark about something means to be unaware of or not know about something that others may know about. Hong Kong people are in the dark about who the central government prefers as the next chief executive. I''ll tell you how much legislative councillors earn a month so you won''t be in the dark about their salary. Each?legislative councillor gets a monthly salary of $93,040. They get an extra $200,000 every year for entertainment expenses, $32,000 for medical insurance, and $2.5 million to pay staff and office rent. Are taxpayers getting good value for money by paying them so much?

         The new term of the Legislative Council started on October 1, after the September 4 elections. During the oath-taking to officially become legislative councillors, two of them deliberately added words, used bad language, and used a word that insulted China. When the Legco president allowed the two to re-take their oaths the following week, pro-government members walked out to make sure there were not enough members present for the oath-taking to continue. When the Legco president decided a week later that the two would no longer be allowed to re-take their oaths, democracy camp members helped the two to force their way into Legco. The meeting was cancelled again. This means legislative councillors have not done any work for a month but they will still get their October pay of $93,040. There are 70 members. If you multiply $93,040 by 70, the amount is $6,512,800. This is a total waste of taxpayers’ money.

          香港的立法會議員是否「物有所值」(value for money)?許多人都會同意,他們絕非「物有所值」(value for money)。習語value for money的意思就是物有所值。若你只需用一千萬就可在山頂買豪宅,就絕對是物超所值(very good?value for money),但這當然是不可能的。在香港,許多大學畢業生月入大約是一萬二千元,對老闆來說,這當然是物有所值(?value for money),但向大學畢業生付這麼低的人工,就不太公道了。

          許多人對於立法會議員的月薪毫不知情(in the dark)。?To be?in the dark?about something即是對於其他人也知道的事並未留意或懵然不知。香港人對於中央政府屬意誰做下任特首,一無所知(in the dark)。我現在就告訴你,立法會議員月入多少,好讓你不會對他們的薪酬懵然不知(in the dark)。每一位立法會議員月薪為九萬三千○四十元,外加一年二十萬的酬酢開支償還款額、三萬二千元的醫療津貼,還有二百五十萬用作聘請員工和繳交辦事處租金。納稅人付這麼多錢給他們,又是否物有所值(?value for money)?



        Michael Chugani 褚簡寧


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