三沙變大判, 商界成乞兒

2016/11/05 14:00:35 網誌分類: 生活
05 Nov

老友太史公有一些怪異的評論, 值得分享

太史公: ---But..considering each specific case will be different"

BLOG主:----But to me seemingly absurd (1) water deep-sonic what-ever prelim (2) stone hard-what if interplanetary mining, not remote reality--
if can specific an area really beyond expectation-more sympathy"

太史公: "
digging an underwater tunnel, particularly quite a few kilo long, is not like doing things over-land--Sonic cannot tell that specific" "---
when you plan a tunnel, you can choose the supposedly less resistance path yes, but also with delays and overbudget--Just that in most of the cases no one care--besides, it also depends on how you budget the thing ---Say, you wanna get it on board and running, you purposely under-estimate the budget to make it a-go--Then during working you just submit VOs (variation orders)and claims---"  

BLOG主:yes, the English-French channel and one new in Swiss took 20-30 yrs to build-not the actual construction but prelim assessment-
The Gotthard Base Tunnel is a railway base tunnel through the Alps in Switzerland.
  太史公: all I can say is: things are technically feasible--but once involve public works, we are not talking about technicals only--.it is money problem

BLOG主: Interesting-they(the Swiss) have a few referandums to go bf construction starts

太史公: the opposite side is: that also explains why in US and Western Europe's public utilities are half-worn-out and malfunctioning and increasing public costs altogether as well as the years-old apartments never got proper repair and reinstallment for years
yes. A referandum is a proper decision-making procedure, and yet it may not yield the "efficient" and "rational" reason result

BLOG主:to vote in u need to supply information n be prepared to be challenged and questioned

太史公:on the other hand, we here in East Asia have different thoughts, and wanna get things done--come on--you really think the general public, I mean the really general average joe, are interested on collecting facts and info like you and me

BLOG主:Sunshine-freedom of information-well if ppl still dunn care, what can be done has been done-but the process is a check-and-balance

太史公: well, all I can say is: things will not come without a price
East Asia here, wanna "gamchuria"(
監粗) and hence do all unnecessary big white elephant and waste money --but then, as long as the works are still done, properly, at least, then you have something better to use. Of course, the loss of check-and-balance may ruin this part.--but on the other hand, once you have too much check-and-balance, then things can't even get started--and what I see, right now, is while info in general gets--more transparent and available, people's wisdom, particularly quite a large chunk of either very young radicals or under-educated old yeahs, turned the entire process to be a mud wrestle freak show--what scares me is 眾愚政治

say, for HK case, in general the comment is proper...but if we really need to dig on the specific case, we need way more quality intel, and need specialists to be on-board, and need time to investigate

BLOG主 sure, but the 'authorities" also need to be willing to disclose more (that assume they did not play trick in the beginning)-

太史公:once you have populists as major stream, and government is indifferent then you know "big lemon coke" (大檸樂

FB msg 後,我打電話給太史公,太史公告訴我他去了幾
有傳聞說現在大判實際上是之前三沙-當日眾大判田過河, 賣盤自然不會tell the bloody whole truth--班三沙 might not have completed the apprentice training 學徒訓練in public works (not to say thay were not the genuine protege門生)


太史公以前告訴過BLOG主, 北上吃政策, 香港consulting groups, 商會等等現在正被內地視為"乞兒商界" , 不能自己生存(cannot survive on their own)
商會一個大頭men tor人們如何結束中國的工廠,因為他以前做過
Start-ups Panels 
班會計人mentors 只知道敦促必須有好accounting books,試
start-ups 如何有好 "往來"

BLOG主試著去看, 有人引用許鞍華電影書劍恩仇錄一句話; "是好兄弟一早洗手不幹."

洗手不幹出處: 清·文康《兒女英雄傳》:“小人從前原也作些小道兒上的買賣,後來洗手不幹,就在河工上充了一個夫頭


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