
How to play 雷射去斑case的效果如何"fishing" card game

2016/11/09 13:41:24 網誌分類: 未分類
09 Nov

For many of us, "fishing" is the first card game we've ever 雷射去斑case的效果如何played, and now it may still be the best card game for some of us! "Fishing" is a children's favorite card game, it needs good memory and good luck! The following describes its play:

Number of players: two to six

Goal: To win a deck of up to four cards (deck) by carding to another player.

Terminology of Solitaire

Here is a brief introduction to some of the cards involved in this term.

Licensing / Board: The act of distributing a card to a player; also refers to a period of playing cards between successive licenses.


Draw: Take one or more new cards.


Defined Score: The total number of points to be earned; or how to win the game or end the game.

For a complete list of card terms, click here.

Game Cards: Use a regular card with 52 cards, but you can remove all the cards of different colors from different points, thus shortening the game time. Play: When two people play, for each person made seven cards; other cases, for each card five cards. The cards are placed face down together to form a draw pile. Starting from the player to the left of the dealer, each player pays a particular number of points to other players. For example: "Kevin, do you have 6?" You must have at least one 6 to do so. Kevin has to give him all six of his possessions, but the other players do not. As long as your card request is fulfilled, you can continue the card. Then you can continue to any player to a specific number of points of the card. When the player is not available to help, he will tell you to "fishing." Pick up the top card in the pile. If it is the number of points you require, immediately flush the card, then you can proceed with the card. Otherwise, your card will end.

The game continues in this way from the player on the left. As long as you collect all four cards (decks) of the same number of points, you should show the deck to other players and then stack them in a stack next to you.

For many of us, "fishing" is the first card game we've ever played.

2006 Publications International, Ltd.

With this hand you can have 2, Q, 10, 3 or 4.

Scoring: After all the cards have been drained and all the decks are collected, the player with the highest number of collected sets will win.

TIP: Keep an eye out for players who play cards, as you may inevitably get early to the player you want. If you can remember the players who want to play these cards, you can get them in your turn!

Variation: One-time to all players to brand, when each player must give up the desired card, the game will proceed faster. This makes it much easier to make a card when your deck lacks only one card, as any player who may have drawn the fourth card must give it to you. An interesting change in scoring is to assign each deck a score equal to the number of points. For example, A counts as 11 points, the screen card counts as 10 points, and all other cards have the same score as their points.


