
selfishness and rudeness

2016/11/24 08:41:20 網誌分類: 生活
24 Nov
         Last week, while travelling on the MTR to record my English-language TV show, I saw something that stunned?(astonished, shocked) me. A young man pushed an elderly woman away so he could get a better seat on the train. The elderly woman was walking towards that seat when the young man rushed past her to get the seat. There were several other empty seats but the man wanted that seat because it was at the end of a row of seats near the door. As soon as he sat down, he began to play with his mobile phone. The elderly woman was taken aback. If you are taken aback, it means you are so surprised and shocked by something that you become briefly confused and don’t know how to react.

          After the woman recovered from her shock, she found another seat and started yelling?(shouting loudly and angrily) at the man. She scolded him for pushing past an elderly woman but he ignored her and continued playing with his phone. I couldn’t believe my eyes. The expression “can’t believe my eyes” means you can’t believe what you are seeing because it is so shocking or surprising. The woman then noticed me standing nearby. She said loudly that she had seen me on TV and asked me to take a picture of the man so I could criticize him on TV. She said it was the job of the media to highlight?(draw attention to) the selfishness and rudeness of the young man.

          Many passengers looked at me. It made me feel very awkward?(embarrassed, uncomfortable). The man glanced (looked quickly) at me and then pretended to continue playing with his phone. I knew he was worried I would take his picture. I just smiled and nodded at the elderly woman but did not take any pictures. My TV show doesn’t deal with such issues. Also, I did not want to cause trouble. The man could have told me I had no right to take pictures of him. I decided instead that I would write about what happened so that other young people wouldn’t do what that selfish man did.

        * * *

         上星期,當我乘搭港鐵前往錄製英語電視節目的途中,見到一些令我大感震驚(stunned)的事。一名年輕人推開一名老婦,好能爭得更好的座位。那名老婦正走向那空位,年輕人卻趕過了她而爭先坐下。車廂還有幾個空位,但那男人只想坐在那兒,因為它在座位的末端,近門口位置。他一坐下就開始玩手機。那名老婦大吃一驚(taken aback)。若你taken aback,即是說你對某事感到愕然和驚訝,一時間給搞糊塗了,不知該如何反應。

          當老婦驚魂甫定,找到另一座位後,便開始喝罵(yelling)那個男人。她斥責他竟然推開一個老婆婆,他卻不理會她,繼續玩手機。我簡直不敢相信自己的眼睛(couldn''t believe my eyes),習語can''t believe my eyes意即你不敢相信眼前所見的,因為那實在太驚人或太意外了。那名老婦留意到我站在附近,便高聲地說她在電視見過我,要求我給那男的拍個照,好讓我能在電視上批評他。她說這是傳媒的責任去凸顯(highlight)那年輕人的自私和粗魯無禮。



        Michael Chugani 褚簡寧

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