For Church Leaders Only

2016/11/26 11:29:56 網誌分類: 宗教
26 Nov

The spiritual warfare is real in church. I have seen the enemy tempted and knocked down the good believers. I have seen the leaders engaged in sins that no one knows. I have seen many churches full of false teaching and division.

I have also seen the enemy attack leaders in a surprising way: by deceived them to work in their own effort and plan rather than by God's power. In the bible, there is also an incidence that the disciples tried to cast out a demon in their own strength without praying (Mark 9).

spiritual warfare的圖片搜尋結果

Here are some signs that you might also doing ministry in your own power:

1. You pray primarily because you have no other way. If your habit is to work first, and then pray second, you are doing something in your own strength.

2. You tend to think you can accomplish anything. If so, you might not be tackling any God-sized tasks that require you to lean on Him.

3. You don't  live a life of dependence. If you can do most of what you do without the power of God, you are relying on self effort.

4. Your walking with God are in the past tense. If your walking with God through Bible study, prayer, fasting, evangelism are only in the good old days of your life, you are not leaning on the power of God today.

spiritual warfare的圖片搜尋結果

5. You are losing the private sin battle. You are losing the battle because you are fighting in your own strength. It is private because you don't want anyone to know your struggles. Being that honest requires courage to admit your need.

6. You admire people who are truly walking with God, but you don't want any change and work hard in that direction.

7. Your family members knows a different you than the public you. Your family probably knows much of your real private self, not your public self, which blind many people.

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