
2016/12/19 23:42:02 網誌分類: 有翼的故事
19 Dec
如果沉默就能令世界和諧的話,可能所有人也甘為啞巴!但是剛好相反,人的沉默反造就邪惡的擴張,很多人連說一句公道的話也不敢 。




 by   billy  chu  8.1.11

   The Sound of Silence  [轉貼]

Paul Simon 作此歌作為悼念,
並與拍檔 Art Garfunkel 合作錄成唱片,

Hello darkness, my old friend
無明𣎴易拒 盡告我相知
I've come to talk with you again
有緣再相聚 誠然吐心思
Because a vision softly creeping
left its seeds while I was sleeping
And the vision that was planted in my brain,
still remainsWithin the sound of silence
倉生滿光怪 凡塵盡陸離
迷情剪不斷 無出嫋嫋音

In restless dreams I walked alone
narrow streets of cobblestone
獨行仍在夢 圆卵狹路通
Neath the halo of a streetlamp
I turned my collar to the cold and damp
When my eyes were stabbed by the flash of a neon light
Split the night.
And touched the sound of silence
繞樑總不散 無聲傳靜音

And in the naked light I saw ten thousand people,
maybe more
極目為所見 萬衆有餘人
People talking without speaking
People hearing without listening
相談無所對 充耳無所聞
People writing songs that voices never shared
邪音成樂章 啞口和靡音
and no one dared
to stir the sound of silenceFool
said I, you do not know
未敢擾痴人 喃喃自不知
silence, like a cancer, grows
橫行是魍魎 漫不經爾心

Hear my words and I might teach you
奉汝兩三言 知之可為師
take my arms then I might reach you
並肩共進退 你我為所依
But my words like silent raind rops fell
and echoed in the wells of silence
善言若甘淋 落地是鏗鏘
回音知蕩漾 潛意似井深

And the people bowed and prayed to the neon god they'd made
邪道人伏拜 神光本霓虹
亦非從天降 疑幻出禍心
And the sign flashed its warning in the words that it was forming
閃爍驚世語 根原是砌詞

And the sign said the words of the prophets are written
on the subway walls
高人早有兆 深壁現正語
and tenement halls
and whispered in the sounds of silence
宮室透非常 無聲是真音

Simon & Garfunkel 二人合唱隊成立於60年代初成立,
其實他們早在1953讀小學時已認識, 並且同在一話劇中演出過,
他們二人分開和復合多次, 1965年以 Sound of Silence一曲達事業最高峯,
他們的歌曲是別具一格, 在喜歡民謠的樂迷們心中地位崇高,
1881年 9月19日在纽约中央公園舉行的音樂會共有50萬
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