Graph - Hit Rate of HK Headline

2008/01/25 11:23:22 網誌分類: 流行
25 Jan

This is a graph showing the hit rate for HK Headline.  We could see that there is a sharp d rop in end October and end December 2007.  The the trend is dropping ever since August 2007.

回應 (2)
2008/01/25 12:45:16 回覆
Dear Nivla,

The graph you captured is "Daily Reach", mine is the "Daily Pageviews".  I think we could refer to the pageviews, which I thought is more accurate.  I consider the "Daily Reach" as an index of reaching the target readers or the influence of HK Headline in the circle.

There are also some other interesting information at the bottom of the page you may like to refer to inside the website
2008/01/25 12:00:13 回覆

