2008/02/21 09:04:54 網誌分類: 職場無奈說
21 Feb



一分鐘邊想邊打75個倉頡字,是早幾天自己計算出來的數目;英文字嗎?一分鐘大概倒能邊想邊打40至50個有意思而連貫的字詞。計算這些,無非在於為畢業後找路數,而路數將從JOBMARKET及HEADLINE JOBS這兩個網站開始……



這兩個同是星島旗下的求職網站到底有甚麼不同之處,大概和「EDUPLUS的BLOG和頭條網的BLOG有甚麼不同之處」都有個共通點──需要親身參予,做研究時這些就叫做「OBSERVATION╱觀察」以及「FIELD STUDY╱實地考察」:



1.       JOBMARKET的求職工具,上存履歷表包括年份等等似比較詳盡;HEADLINE JOBS則於工種上給予我們很大容量的選擇,更為貼心



2.       早前以家中的比較大的螢光幕試圖申請HEADLINE JOBS帳號,卻礙於技術上問題,意粉需要請教HEADLINE JOBS的職員,才明白跟螢光幕大小有關,程序終於在學校的螢幕較小的電腦完成



3.       JOBMARKET帳號申請,比起HEADLINE JOBS的快,因為程序較傳統、簡單,卻都很能讓履歷涵蓋到要表達的層面;HEADLINE JOBS,由於是年才研發出來,加入許多網上能使用的新原素,「選擇」取代「鍵入」



4.       其實有一個意粉的個人問題:意粉有兩份工作做得比較長,但每份都只做了半年(誰叫我從任職的小學惹了水痘啊),於HEADLINE JOBS找工作時期選擇時,有0、1、2、3、4,如果我選0是對不住自己,選1又可能是欺詐;另外,我卻欣賞對於特別技能的工作經驗有0-1,1-2,2-3的選擇──如果所有選擇都統一為這一些就比較方便啊






回應 (7)
ivina 2008/02/24 08:32:05 回覆

1. 做實習冇錢收,又唔係做高級,話大家聽都唔風光啦

2. 當時已經意識到自己會寫一篇走人既文章--《感謝、抱歉……實習完畢。 》因為車程車錢同腳程等問題總叫意粉成身散晒

3. 第日我做高級行政人員時一定請大家去架~!!! (如有機會)

4. 唔好點相喎

2008/02/23 19:15:08 回覆
ivina 2008/02/21 21:42:37 回覆




意粉會嚮會展見大家架!不過唔話俾大家聽意粉嚮個場既邊區返工 XD

2008/02/21 19:51:31 回覆
ivina 2008/02/21 12:22:53 回覆


我今朝寫架!!! 冇興趣可以唔睇 XD 




Five Forces Framework
網誌分類:學術管理及公共關係ivina 21 Feb 2008 00:21 回應( ) 觀看( )


After revising corporate strategy notes from 10am this morning, I found that among frameworks that our tutor has taught, the ‘five forces framework’ is the most complicated one. Therefore, I aim to give myself better memories with the help of this blog.

Firstly I would like to showcase a figure:



(Figure 1)



As from the figure above we can easily draw up the sources of competition of a ‘strategic business unit’ (SBU) as ‘threat of entry’,’ supplier’s power’, ‘buyer’s power’, ‘threat of substitutes’ and ‘degree of rivalry’. In fact, the original figure presented by M. E. Porter adopted by the book ‘Exploring Corporate Strategy’ is much more professional with different wordings but of relatively similar meanings.

Now I am going to present a summary of the framework with wordings from the textbook:



(Figure 2)





It may not be a good idea to just read what is typed in Figure 2 if you really want to study what is happening on the ‘SBU’. A case analysis should gain us more thorough ideas about how the framework facilitates better decision making. However, I am only a student and not an expert in such field, therefore I am just using this blog piece to illustrate my greatest findings on the ‘five forces framework’:

  1. Before doing my job placement in a large corporation, I did not have much idea about SBU. After doing my placement for the first day, I knew that my ‘company’ is a branch of a ‘corporation’ and within the ‘division’ that I am working in, there can be colleagues with namecards addressing different titles and tasks responsible for—the ‘tasks’ can give outsiders a wrong sense that the two persons are working in different places! Able to follow my not-so-clear mind-map? In a nutshell, SBU—the strategic business unit that can be analysed can be a task group within a division in a branch of a corporation; they maybe just doing one event at one time and for that ‘one event’ and ‘one time’ we can do ‘one analysis’ but not more.

  2. In the concept of substitution, I had never thought of the consumer’s way of thinking as a threat concerning product substitution. For instance, I did not aware that my rejection to a bank’s invitation to join a plan can be something related to ‘substitution’ of my money from maybe joining the plan to steadily saving dollars for academic usage.

  3. The last finding from my morning revision is that contracts between the suppliers and the buyers and the reputation of either one of them can be decisive factors for managing an SBU’s strategy.

To summarise features of the ‘five forces framework’, we can regard the powers of the suppliers and the buyers as ‘attractiveness’ while ‘threats’ are concerning the ‘underlying forces’ and ‘changes’ in the micro environment of the industry. ‘Substitution’ is sometimes concerned with ‘competitors’ but is sometimes a consumer’s choice. Last but not least, all the forces are interlocking and can not be independently analysed for improving corporate strategies; when analysing, the ‘degree of rivalry’ of each of the forces is also essential to address.

(I finished this blog piece within approximately 1 hour. How many wordings? Over 2666, but my word-count for typing English characters is still 45/min—seemingly not so fast still? Together with the fact that I was also thinking, reading, referencing, drawing and pasting figures, I am confident that I can be very competitive in the job market of clerical work… While my preference is to find jobs in the printed media… Or, for the high salary, in a governmental department. The last two are my dreams within 2 years’ time.)

ivina 2008/02/21 12:17:47 回覆




2008/02/21 11:31:01 回覆






ivina 2021/12/09


ivina 2021/12/09


wongi 2021/11/06

送上星星。姜B魅力很厲害,他的影迷在金鐘的麥當奴排隊,在mirror 樂隊前拍照啊!場面熱鬧啊!

淺雪 2021/10/30
