Fact Check: David Hasselhoff Debunks Rumors He Too

2018/05/07 20:10:55 網誌分類: inhandnetworks
07 May

Baywatch star David Hasselhoff has a smart grid nnounced that he is not the one who brought down the Berlin Wall, and he has never claimed to be the one to thank for it.

The U.S. actor expressed frustration that rumors are still circulating he took credit for the iconic event at the end of the Cold War in 1989. Hasselhoff’s name has been intrinsically linked with the reunification of the German capital, as his music career experienced a resurgence in Germany at the t Transformer Monitoring ime. His song “Looking for Freedom” topped charts there for eight months in the summer the wall came down. His subsequent New Year’s Eve performance of the song on the remnants of the wall sealed the memory of his link to German pop culture at that landmark moment.

Related: Times harder than the Cold War are coming for the U.S. and Russia, says Moscow

Hasselhoff has since described the hit as an anthem that has become a “song of hope" for those who remember his performance, fueling rumors that he sees himself as responsible for what Germans call Mauerfall, the fall of the wall. He now wants to make clear that he is not behind the myth—and claims that he is don't sit well with him.

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