Insomnia: Bad Sleep May Start In Your Genes, Large

2018/05/08 13:54:24 網誌分類: inhandnetworks
08 May

A bad case of insomnia could be your genetic inheritance from your parents, according to a new study published Thursday in Molecular Psychiatry.

More than 30,000 U.S. soldiers had their genomes sequenced as part of the study. Based on that collection of sequences and the results of surveys the soldiers took, researchers found that parts of chromosome seven appeared to be linked with their insomnia-related survey ans 3g modem wers. Though this region didn’t actually overlap with any particular gene, it was close to two—including one that another study had linked to a gene that might influence how much a person drinks. Insomnia was also related to genes that may control how a region of the brain that sends signals in a particular pattern during sleep develops, though not as strongly.

Depression has insomnia as a symptom, the paper notes, so the authors checked to see if factoring in a person's depr M2M wireless producdts ession survey results would change the analysis. It didn't.

A man sleeps on the subway on January 10, 2018 in New York City. A recent study found one region on chromosome seven may be the home of genetic changes linked to insomnia. Spencer Platt/Getty Images

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