
in the grip of football fever

2018/06/26 04:12:46 網誌分類: 生活
26 Jun
          Most of my friends are in the grip of football fever. They stay awake into the middle of the night watching World Cup matches. They look listless when I see them. I cannot understand why they are so captivated by the World Cup. Whenever I see them, they only talk about which team won, which team lost, and how much money they bet on a team. I am so glad I am not in the grip of football fever. I cannot understand why so many people all over the world are so captivated by the World Cup. My friends have sent me pictures and videos of people smashing their TV sets because they lost a lot of money gambling on the wrong team.

          The word “grip” has many meanings but used this way it means to keep someone’s attention completely. The word “fever” is a medical condition in which a person’s body temperature is higher than normal. But used this way it means excitement felt by a lot of people over something. Therefore, if you are in the grip of football fever, it means the excitement of football has your whole attention. If you are listless, it means you have no energy or enthusiasm. People who don’t get enough sleep are usually listless. If you are captivated by something, it means your entire attention is on something that is very interesting or exciting. The word “smash” means to violently break something into pieces.

          I am not a sports guy. If you are not a sports guy, it means you are not interested in sports. I am sure Hong Kong people who learn grammar like a science, and teachers who teach grammar like a science, will say “not a sports guy” is grammatically incorrect. They are wrong. It is very common for mother tongue English speakers to either say they are “not a sports guy” or that they are “a sports guy”. I am waiting for the end of the World Cup so I can have dinner or happy hour with my friends without them being in the grip of football fever.


          我的大部份朋友之間掀起了足球的熱潮(in the grip of football fever),半夜不睡覺在看世界盃賽事。我見到他們的時候,他們看來都是沒精打采的(listless)。我不能理解為何他們對世界盃那麼着迷(captivated)。每逢我遇見他們,他們只會說哪一隊球隊贏了,哪一隊落敗,他們賭波賭了幾錢。我很慶幸我沒有給牽扯進足球的狂熱中(not in the grip of football fever),我不太理解為何世界各地有這麼多人會對世界盃如此着迷(captivated)。我的朋友傳來人們砸碎(smashing)電視機的相片和短片給我,因為那些人都賭錯了球隊,輸了很多錢。

          Grip一字有許多意思,但在這裏解作完全地將某人的注意力牢牢的吸引住。Fever就是發燒,但在這裏解作許多人對某事的狂熱。因此,若你正 in the grip of football fever,那意思就是足球的狂熱牢牢的吸引住你。若你是listless,即是說你無精打采,很倦怠的。睡不夠的人通常都沒精打采(listless)。若你是captivated by something,即是說你被某樣很有趣或精采的事情迷住了。Smash就是打碎、擊破某物。

          I am not a sports guy. 若你不是a sports guy,即是說你對體育並不熱衷。我相信那些視文法如科學的香港人,又或像教科學般教文法的老師們,會說“not a sports guy”在文法上是錯誤的。然而他們錯了。以英語為母語的人,只會說他們是“not a sports guy”或說他們是“a sports guy”。我在等待世界盃完結,那麼我便可以跟我的朋友們用餐或享用歡樂時光,而不用聽他們怎樣陷入世界盃的狂熱之中(in the grip of football fever)。mickchug@gmail.com


        Michael Chugani 褚簡寧
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