
“Silver lining”

2018/07/10 04:12:39 網誌分類: 生活
10 Jul
          There is a silver lining in Chief Executive Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor’s gaffe about answering questions in English being a waste of time. Last week, she told a reporter who had asked a question in English it was a waste of time replying in English because she had already answered the same question in Cantonese. In fact, the English question was different although it was about the same issue of housing. Her remark caused a media uproar (outrage, extreme anger). She had to apologize later that day and said she would always answer English questions in English. Her gaffe has a silver lining because senior government officials must now take a cue from her and speak in English too.

          The words “silver lining” come from the expression “every cloud has a silver lining”. This expression means that something positive or hopeful can come out of a difficult situation. The word “gaffe” means a mistake that causes embarrassment to the person who made the mistake. The expression “take a cue from” means to follow the example of or to be strongly influenced by someone or something. The chief executive’s gaffe has a silver lining because senior officials must now follow her example and treat reporters from the English media as equal to reporters from the Chinese media. Some senior officials always shun (avoid, ignore) the English media because they believe it is a waste of time speaking to the English media.

          I am the host of an English language TVB show. Several years ago I was also the co-host of an English language radio show on RTHK. Some senior officials refuse to go to these shows because they believe it is a waste of time. I will not name them now but they know who they are. They will always say they are busy, but they will always find the time to be guests of Chinese shows. These senior officials should now take a cue from the chief executive. If they do not, I guarantee them I will name them.


          特首林鄭月娥說以英文回答提問是浪費時間,在她這次失言(gaffe)的事上我們還是有一絲的慰藉(silver lining)。上星期,她對一名以英語提問的記者說,以英文回答問題是浪費時間,因為她已經以廣東話回答了相同的問題;但事實是,雖然那條英語問題同樣關於房屋議題,但它所問的內容是不一樣的。她的言論引發傳媒一片憤慨(uproar),她不得不於當天稍後時間道歉,並說她定會以英語回應英文問題。她的失言(gaffe)帶來了一絲希望(silver lining),因為政府高官們現在必須要向她借鑑(take a cue from her),跟她一樣要說英語。

          “Silver lining”一詞來自習語“every cloud has a silver lining”,它的意思是每朵烏雲背後總有一絲光線,意即在困境中,仍然可有正面的得着和希望。Gaffe是指某人失態、失禮以致出醜了。習語“take a cue from”意即學習他人的榜樣,或受某人或某事的巨大影響或啟發。特首的失言(gaffe)帶來了一絲希望(silver lining),因為高官們現在必須以她為榜樣,對英文傳媒和中文傳媒的記者一視同仁。有些高官總是會避開(shun)英文傳媒,因為他們認為跟英文傳媒對話是浪費時間。

          我是無線電視英語節目的主持,亦曾於幾年前與其他人一起共同主持港台的英語電台節目。有些高官拒絕出席這些節目,因為他們認為是浪費時間。我現在不會逐一開名了,但他們自己心裏知道。他們總是說自己很忙碌,但又總能抽空去做中文節目的嘉賓。這些高官們現在應借鏡(take a cue from)特首的做法,不然,我保證我一定會說出他們的大名。


        Michael Chugani 褚簡寧
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