
2008/03/08 20:40:18 網誌分類: 經濟
08 Mar

先回覆testingstocks & sky & Ki, 呢排我積極減持d蟹輪蟹貨 & 炒下牛熊, 志在回返本先, 而testingstocks 提到另一隻牛証跌得深好多, 主要原因

有兩個,1. 回收價既差異, 7225穩陣得多, 2.好友開始退守21000

所以要錢唔要貨&恐慌性拋售所致, 所以反映個巿未跌完

星期一反彈既機會就微d, 因為美國仍然繼續插, 所以一早就話三月

淡友會做野, 大家忍耐下la


呢幾日相信大家都好驚好擔心, 唔知個巿係咪就咁就玩完,  但以我所知

個巿亦開始吸引到一d 資金撈底, 呢樣可以從成交量睇到, 同時星期五


如果打算撈低既朋友就只宜短炒了! 而我就會入7225

回應 (6)
2008/03/11 20:42:14 回覆

testingstocks, 所以牛熊証唔好亂買呀, 佢雖然係比窩輪抵買, 時間值長, 行使價低, 但係估錯巿既時候有可能損失全部資金架, 就好似上星期我叫大家唔好再入6227, 退守7225, 就係因為守唔住, 結果6227 今日打左靶了~ 幾恐怖!

ki, 二萬點又誇d, 應該唔會吧? 因為有好幾隻牛証都係20000以上, 好友應該會借勢反攻, 畢竟現水平已經係合理價了

wa, 0.23入? 咁你咪賺好多? 你入左幾多先? 如果無壞消息, 美國又回穩既話
恒指應該係時候反彈下了, 保險d係24000附近放la, 寧願賺小d都唔好又坐艇嘛

最後講句, 大家俾心機呀, 最苦既時候就快過去喇

2008/03/10 23:59:17 回覆

thanks Rainbow, i get the answer from hkex news.... 強制收回回報通告  ....  but i should not lose my confidence.  this is to train my EQ  (to comfort myself)..haha   a better tomorrow.



2008/03/10 21:01:53 回覆

Rainbow姐姐多謝你指點, 我跟你入左7225$0.23唔知幾多放好呢!


2008/03/10 16:21:03 回覆

Hi Rainbow, last firday, I bought 7203 but unfortuately, I misunderstanding the 回收價 is 21400 but that is 行使價 from hk.finance.yahoo.com - only showing 行使價 but no 回收價.   Please let me know what is the usage of 行使價 ?

Today, of course, 7203 suspended.. ..    Do u know how much I can get back as the close market is higher.   This is a valuable lesson that I learn as it costs a lot (to get a better URL and details). haha... 

Looking forward,  u buy 7225 ? sell it ?  What is your plan tomorrow ?   if d roping, buy 7225,   if rising, buy more 7225 ?  thanks

2008/03/09 16:36:18 回覆




2008/03/08 22:58:37 回覆
thanks Rainbow. I find the market is very difficult to earn $$ from Nov 07.  hope a better tomorrow. cheers