

2018/08/28 04:13:15 網誌分類: 生活
28 Aug
          It is unusual for Chief Executive Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor to be lost for words. But she was lost for words last week to describe the fury (anger) of Hong Kong people after independence activist Andy Chan Ho-tin sent an open letter to US President Donald Trump asking him to terminate the US-Hong Kong Policy Act and to kick China and Hong Kong out of the World Trade Organization. She said she could not find the right adjectives to describe Chan Ho-tin’s letter asking Trump to punish Hong Kong. If you are lost for words it means you are so shocked that you cannot speak or don’t know what to say. An open letter is a letter addressed to a particular person but made public for everyone to read.

          Since Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor could not find the right adjectives to describe Chan Ho-tin and his open letter, I will try to help her. I cannot, of course, suggest any adjective that is bad language because I am sure the chief executive would not use such words. The first adjective that springs to mind to describe Chan Ho-tin and his open letter to Trump is delusional. When something springs to mind, it means it comes very quickly into your mind. A delusional person is someone who believes in things that are not true or cannot happen. Hong Kong independence is impossible but Chan Ho-tin believes it is possible. That’s why he is delusional. Another adjective is “narcissistic”, which describes people who admire themselves and think they are very important.

          Trump, of course, would not bother to read the open letter. That’s why Chan Ho-tin is a delusional narcissist (noun). There are many nouns I can suggest for the chief executive to use the next time reporters ask her about Chan Ho-tin. The noun “bonehead” springs to mind. The slang word “bonehead” means a very stupid person. Similar words are “blockhead”, “imbecile”, and “nincompoop”. But the chief executive is a polite person who will not use the words I have suggested. But she can politely suggest that Chan Ho-tin spends time on self-reflection, which means to carefully think about your own behavior.


          很少見到特首林鄭月娥也會無言以對(lost for words)。但在推動獨立主義者陳浩天向美國總統特朗普發公開信(open letter),要求對方撤銷《美國—香港政策法》,及將中國和香港踢出世界貿易組織過後,她上星期想去形容香港人對此怒不可遏(fury)時,也說不出話來(lost for words)。她說她不能找到合適的形容詞去描述陳浩天去信要求特朗普懲戒香港。若你是 lost for words,即是說你驚訝得說不出話來,或不知該說甚麼才好。An open letter就是特定寫給某人,但也公開讓所有人閱讀的信件。

          既然林鄭月娥不能找到合適的形容詞去形容陳浩天和他的公開信,那我就嘗試幫幫她吧。我當然不會提議任何是髒話的形容詞,因為我肯定特首不會用那些字詞。要描述陳浩天和他發給特朗普的公開信(open letter),第一個在腦海中出現的(springs to mind)形容詞就是 delusional。當某事 springs to mind,即是你第一時間會想到的事。A delusional person就是那人存有妄想,相信一些虛幻或不會發生的事情。香港獨立是不可能的,但陳浩天相信是可能的,因此他是有妄想症的(delusional)。另一個形容詞是“narcissistic”,是用來形容那些自戀與自我崇拜的人。

          當然,特朗普不會費神去讀那封公開信(open letter),因此陳浩天是個有妄想症(delusional)的自戀者(narcissist,名詞)。我有許多名詞可以提議給特首,下次再有記者問她對陳浩天的看法時,就可以大派用場。第一個想到(springs to mind)的名詞是“bonehead”。俚語“bonehead”即是非常愚蠢的笨蛋。類近的字有“blockhead”、 “imbecile”和“nincompoop”。然而,特首是個有禮之人,她不會用我所提議的字了。但她可以有禮地建議陳浩天去花點時間自省(self-reflection),仔細地反思一下自己的行為。


        Michael Chugani 褚簡寧
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