
A climate change denier

2018/10/09 04:12:28 網誌分類: 生活
09 Oct
          Some years ago, I bought a DVD of a movie called The Day After Tomorrow. It’s a 2004 science fiction movie about climate change. I enjoyed it so much I watched it four times in the past few years. Although the movie is science fiction, climate change is definitely happening. Recent super typhoons, hurricanes, flooding, and droughts are evidence of climate change. Super Typhoon Mangkhut, which slammed (hit with great force) into Hong Kong last month, was the most powerful storm in our city’s history. About the same time, Hurricane Florence slammed into the east coast of the US. It was one of the most powerful and wettest storms to affect the US.

          Last week Super Typhoon Trami slammed into Japan. Two months ago, the Indian state of Kerala had its worst flooding in over a century, killing about 400 people. Some ships can now sail through an Arctic sea route because of melting ice caused by climate change. Despite so much proof of climate change, there are still many climate change deniers, including US President Donald Trump. A climate change denier is a person who doesn’t believe climate change is happening. Trump pulled out of (withdrew from) the 2015 Paris Climate Change Agreement signed by nearly 200 countries to fight climate change because he thinks climate change is a hoax (trick, not real) that scientists made up.

          In the movie The Day After Tomorrow, climate change causes hailstorms, flooding, rising seas, tornadoes, and superstorms around the world. The superstorms sucked cold air from the troposphere (lowest layer of the Earth’s atmosphere), causing a new ice age in the northern hemisphere. The movie is fiction but climate change is real. Climate change is sometimes called global warming. The two are related but different. Global warming means the long-term rise in average global temperatures caused by the burning of coal and other fuels. Climate change has a wider meaning. It includes global warming and its side-effects, such as melting ice, flooding, and heavier rainstorms and snowstorms. Climate change deniers such as Trump are too old to be affected by future climate change, but their children and grandchildren will be seriously affected.


          許些年前我買了電影《明日之後》的光碟,那是一套在二○○四年上映、關於氣候變化(climate change)的科幻片。我實在很喜歡看這套戲,過去幾年看了足足四遍。雖然電影是科幻片,但氣候變化(climate change)確實一直在發生。近期的超級颱風、颶風、水災及旱災,都是氣候變化(climate change)的證據。上月猛烈衝擊(slammed)香港的超級颱風「山竹」,是這個城市史上最強勁的風暴。差不多在同一時間,颶風「佛羅倫斯」亦猛然撞至(slammed into)美國東岸。它是侵襲美國的風暴中,其中一個最強和最濕的暴風雨。

          上周又有超級颱風「潭美」闖進(slammed into)日本。兩個月前,印度的喀拉拉邦遇上逾一個世紀以來最嚴重的水災,約有四百人死亡。氣候變化(climate change)導致北極冰塊融化,現在有些船隻因而可以駛經北極航道。儘管有這麼多氣候變化(climate change)的證據,卻還是有着許多的氣候變化否定論者(climate change deniers),包括美國總統特朗普。A climate change denier就是否定、不相信氣候變遷(climate change)正在發生。特朗普退出(pulled out of)由近二百個國家在二○一五年簽署、對付氣候變化(climate change)的巴黎氣候變化(Climate Change)協議,因為他認為氣候變遷(climate change)只是科學家捏造出來的騙局(hoax)。

          在《明日之後》一片中,氣候變化(climate change)為世界各地帶來了雹暴、水浸、海面上升、龍捲風和超級風暴。超級風暴吸取了對流層(troposphere)的低氣溫,令北半球經歷一個新的冰河時期。電影是虛構的,氣候變化(climate change)卻是真實的。氣候變化有時也被稱為全球暖化(global warming),二者互為相關但又有分別:global warming 是指全球平均氣溫因着煤及其他燃料的燃燒而長期上升;climate change 則有更廣泛的意思,它包括了全球暖化及其副作用,例如冰川融化、水災,以及更嚴峻的風雨和暴風雪。氣候變化否定論者(climate change deniers)如特朗普,年紀已經太大,不會怎樣被將來的氣候變化所影響,但他們的子孫將會大受影響。



        Michael Chugani 褚簡寧
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