
luck out

2018/11/06 04:12:32 網誌分類: 生活
06 Nov
          As I said in my previous two columns, I am now on a Mediterranean cruise. We boarded the cruise ship in Rome. It's a 12-day cruise covering eight cities in Italy, Malta, Spain, and France. The cruise has already taken us from Rome to Naples and Sicily in Italy, to Malta, and to Mallorca and Barcelona in Spain. We have so far lucked out on the weather. The slang expression "luck out" means to be lucky. Except for one cold, rainy, and blustery day, the weather has been kind to us. The word "kind" used this way means good. The word "blustery" means stormy and windy.

          Barcelona is one of my favorite cities. I have been there several times before. There is a long tree-lined pedestrian street called La Rambla, also known as Las Ramblas, with numerous sidewalk (pavement in British English) cafes. A tree-lined street is a street with trees on both sides. When I last went to La Rambla many years ago, I sat for several hours at a sidewalk cafe drinking wine and eating tapas. I really enjoyed it because the wine and tapas were very good. Tapas are small Spanish snacks or appetizers usually served with alcoholic drinks. But nowadays La Rambla is full of tourists. The tapas and wine suck and are expensive.

          The slang word "suck" used this way means lousy or not very good. When my younger brother and his wife were last in Barcelona three years ago, they found a tapas restaurant popular with the locals. He could not remember where it was. We asked a bus driver at a bus stop who patiently gave us directions. Neither he nor the passengers on the bus minded that he spent so much time at a bus stop helping us. I wish Hong Kong bus drivers were as helpful and friendly. We finally found the restaurant. The tapas were excellent.


          正如我於之前兩篇文章所說,我現正身處地中海的郵輪之上。我們在羅馬上船,這是一趟十二日的郵輪之旅,遊覽意大利、馬爾他、西班牙和法國的八個城市。郵輪已經由羅馬帶我們去到意大利的拿坡里和西西里島、馬爾他,再去了西班牙的馬略卡島和巴塞隆拿。出發以來至今,在天氣方面我們也算走運(lucked out)。俚語 lucked out解作走運。除了有一天是寒冷、下雨和刮大風(blustery),其他日子的天氣也總算不錯(kind to us)。Kind在這裏是形容天氣挺好。Blustery意即狂風大作。

          巴塞隆拿是我至愛的城市之一,過往曾去過幾遍。那裏有一條長長的林蔭(tree-lined)行人道稱為蘭布拉大道(La Rambla,也被稱為Las Ramblas),有幾間人行道(sidewalk,英式英語為pavement)的咖啡店。A tree-lined street就是兩旁種有樹木的街道。我上次去蘭布拉大道已是許多年前,那時我在一間人行道(sidewalk)的咖啡店坐上好幾個小時,喝酒和嚐小吃(tapas)。我真的很享受,因為那裏的酒和小吃(tapas)真是非常的好。Tapas就是西班牙的小吃或前菜,通常伴以酒精類飲品。但現在蘭布拉大道已經滿是遊客。那些西班牙下酒小菜(tapas)和酒都很糟糕(suck),而且還很貴。


        Michael Chugani 褚簡寧
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