
Take My Breath Away

2018/11/13 04:12:51 網誌分類: 生活
13 Nov
          Rome is such a historic city that it takes my breath away every time I go there. It is impossible to fully appreciate Rome’s ancient history by spending a few minutes at each historical site to take pictures. Doing that will not take your breath away. If something takes your breath away, it means you are full of admiration for it. I have visited Rome several times before. I went there again a few weeks ago because I haven’t been to Europe in ages (for a long time) and wanted to see how it was adjusting to China’s rise. 

          Some of my US relatives joined me for a Mediterranean cruise which started in Rome. The cruise ship took us to eight cities in Europe and then returned to Rome. On my first day in Rome I went to see the famous Trevi Fountain, which I have seen several times before. On the second day, my relatives and I spent many hours appreciating the Vatican Museums and the Colosseum. I have seen them before, but their ancient history still took my breath away. Our 12-day Mediterranean cruise started on the third day. When the cruise ended, my relatives flew back to the US. I stayed an extra day to appreciate Rome’s ancient history by walking to many historical sites on my own.

          The first stop of my walking tour was the Trevi Fountain again, the world’s most famous fountain. It was completed in 1762 after many years of construction by different designers. I sat admiring its statues for an hour. Sitting there gave me a feeling of déjà vu. If you have a feeling of déjà vu, which is French in origin, it means you have a strange feeling you have already experienced something that is happening to you now. For example, if you have never been to Paris but when you go there you feel you have been there before, it is déjà vu. Looking at the Trevi Fountain made me think about what life was like in the 18th century. I will write more in my next column about why tourists throw coins into the Trevi Fountain.

          每次我到羅馬這個歷史名城,此地都美得令我透不過氣來(takes my breath away)。若在每一個歷史遺址僅花數分鐘拍拍照,是不可能完全欣賞得到羅馬古代歷史的,這樣做也不會令你怎樣歎為觀止(take your breath away)。若某事 takes your breath away,意即你非常欣賞和讚歎它。我曾到訪羅馬數遍,幾個星期前我舊地重遊,因為我已很久(in ages)沒有踏足歐洲了,想看看它怎樣適應中國的崛起。


          我的一些美國親戚也來參與我這個地中海郵輪之旅,旅程由羅馬出發。郵輪帶我們到訪歐洲的八個城市,最後重回羅馬。我在羅馬的第一天,參觀了著名的特雷維噴泉,從前亦已來過數次。在第二日,我和親戚們花了許多小時,欣賞梵蒂岡博物館和羅馬競技場。我之前亦已參觀過,但它們的古代歷史還是讓我神魂顛倒(took my breath away)。我們的十二日地中海郵輪之旅在第三天開始。郵輪之旅完結時,親戚們便飛回美國,我則額外多留一天,獨自漫步遊覽許多歷史遺址,細意欣賞古羅馬的歷史。 


          我那漫步之旅的第一站,又是特雷維噴泉——世上最著名的噴泉。經過多年來不同設計師的建造,它終在一七六二年完工。我在那兒坐上了一小時,欣賞它的雕像。坐在那兒給我一份似曾相識(déjà vu)的感覺。Déjà vu源自法文,若你有déjà vu的感覺,即是說你有個奇特的感覺,現在發生的事好像已經經歷過似的。譬如,若你從未去過巴黎,到訪時卻感覺自己好像已經來過,那就是déjà vu。看著特雷維噴泉,我想像着十八世紀的生活到底是怎樣的。

          我會在下篇專欄中多寫寫遊客為甚麼會投擲錢幣進特雷維噴泉。Michael Chugani


        Michael Chugani 褚簡寧
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