
spoiled for choice

2018/11/20 04:12:30 網誌分類: 生活
20 Nov
          Every time I go to Shanghai I marvel at the vibrancy of the city. It is one of my favorite cities in China. Shanghai is rich in culture and history. There are many museums and historical buildings along the famous Shanghai Bund. I was in Shanghai last week and stayed at the Middle House, which has hotel rooms and serviced apartments. The Middle House is part of a big development called HKRI Taikoo Hui in Nanjing Street, one of the world’s busiest shopping areas. HKRI Taikoo Hui includes a shopping mall and offices developed by Swire Properties and HKR International. The Middle House serviced apartment where I stayed was so big and artistically-designed it made my jaw drop.

          The verb “marvel” means to be filled with admiration and excitement. If a place has vibrancy, it means it is full of energy and excitement. The expression “rich in” is not about money. It means having a lot of something, such as historical buildings. If something makes your jaw drop, it means you are so surprised or impressed that you stare at it with your mouth opened. The HKRI Taikoo Hui development has the world’s largest Starbucks. It is called the Starbucks Reserve Roastery. My jaw dropped when I went inside. I was with a group of journalists who all marveled at its size.

          A roastery is a place where coffee beans are roasted and processed. The Starbucks at HKRI Taikoo Hui has a roastery where customers can watch coffee beans being roasted, processed, and made into coffee. Starbucks opened its first roastery in 2014 in Seattle, home of Starbucks. I lived in Seattle for many years but returned to Hong Kong before the roastery opened. During our Shanghai trip, our media group had dinner with the chief executive of Swire Properties, Guy Bradley, at Frasca, an excellent Italian restaurant at The Middle House. He said there is so much to do in Shanghai that people are spoiled for choice. If you are spoiled for choice, it means you have so many good things to choose from that it becomes difficult to choose. I was spoiled for choice at HKRI Taikoo Hui.


          每次到上海,我都很驚歎(marvel)這個城市的活力(vibrancy),它是我最喜愛的中國城市之一。上海富含(rich in)文化與歷史,著名的上海外灘沿路就有着許多的博物館和歷史建築。我上星期在上海住進了鏞舍,它有酒店房和服務式住宅。鏞舍是南京路大型發展計劃「興業太古匯」的一部份,而南京路則是全球最繁忙的購物區之一。興業太古匯包含一個購物商場和寫字樓,由太古地產及香港興業國際集團共同發展。我住的鏞舍服務式住宅,設計富藝術感,而且大得令我驚訝到下巴都要掉下來了(made my jaw drop)。

          動詞“marvel”解作對某人或某事感到驚訝而讚歎不已。若某地有vibrancy,即是說它充滿生機和活力。習語“rich in”不是指金錢上的富有,而是富於或擁有很多某種事物如歷史建築。若某事makes your jaw drop,即是說你對某事感到驚訝和印象深刻,令你只懂目瞪口呆。興業太古匯發展區擁有全球最大的星巴克,名為星巴克臻選上海烘焙工坊(Roastery)。我踏進店內時,又再目瞪口呆(jaw dropped)。與我同行的一眾新聞工作者,人人都對其規模之大歎為觀止(marveled)。

          A roastery就是烘焙和處理咖啡豆的地方。興業太古匯的星巴克有個烘焙工坊(roastery),顧客可以看着咖啡豆被烘焙、處理到製成咖啡的過程。星巴克於二○一四年,在星巴克的家鄉西雅圖開設其首間烘焙工坊(roastery)。我曾於西雅圖居住多年,但在烘焙工坊(roastery)開業之前便已回港了。在這趟上海之旅期間,我們的傳媒訪問團跟太古地產的行政總裁白德利在鏞舍內的一流意大利餐廳Frasca共進晚膳。他說,上海實在有太多有趣的事可以做了,教人們花多眼亂(spoiled for choice)。若你是spoiled for choice,即是說你有太多好東西可以選擇,以致你難以決定。我在興業太古匯也確實是花多眼亂(spoiled for choice)呢!

        中譯:七刻 mickchug@gmail.com


        Michael Chugani 褚簡寧
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