
Bitten by the Travel Bug

2018/11/29 04:12:35 網誌分類: 生活
29 Nov
          I have been bitten by the travel bug. In the past three months I have traveled to the US to interview former president Jimmy Carter, to Europe for a Mediterranean cruise with my relatives, to Shanghai on a business trip, and to Penang to try its multicultural cuisine. Penang's multicultural cuisine is well-known. I will write about its cuisine in my next column. The word "bug" used this way is an insect. A travel bug means a strong desire to travel to different places. If you say you have been bitten by the travel bug, it means you have a sudden strong desire to travel. Although the word "bug" means insect, there is no such thing as a travel insect that can bite people. It's just an idiom.

          The word "multicultural" is used to describe several different ethnic groups. The adjective "ethnic" is used to describe a group of people whose culture, language, and race is different from the general population. For example, Nepalese, Pakistanis, and Indians are ethnic groups in Hong Kong, where the majority population is Chinese. Penang is multicultural because its population includes Malays, Chinese, and Indians. Chinese people are the second largest ethnic group in Penang. Cuisine is a style of cooking of a country or region, such as Chinese cuisine. Multicultural cuisine means a mixture of different types of cuisine. Cities such as New York and London are well-known for their multicultural cuisine.

          This is my fourth visit to Penang. Every time I come here, I find different things to write about. I have written about Penang's heritage buildings in my previous columns. The government has done a great job preserving old buildings that were built when Malaysia was a British territory. Parts of Penang look like what Hong Kong used to look like many years ago. The people are very laid back, which means very relaxed and easy-going. Unlike Hong Kong, nobody is in a rush. But that is slowly changing as more tourists choose Penang as a holiday destination. Many people go to Penang to eat durian. I will tell you next time why I have never eaten durian.


          最近我旅遊的心蠢蠢欲動(bitten by the travel bug)。過去三個月,我遠赴美國訪問前總統占美.卡特,到歐洲跟親戚過一個地中海郵輪之旅,到上海公幹,再到檳城試試其多元文化的菜餚(multicultural cuisine)。檳城的多元文化美食(multicultural cuisine)非常有名,我會在下一篇專欄中寫寫它的菜餚(cuisine)。Bug在這裏是指一隻昆蟲;a travel bug則是想去不同地方旅遊的強烈欲望。若你說you have been bitten by the travel bug,即是你對旅遊入了迷,突然很想去旅行。雖然bug一字解作昆蟲,但現實中當然沒有一隻「旅行蟲」去咬人,那只是個成語。

          Multicultural是用來形容多種不同族群(ethnic groups)的文化。形容詞 ethnic是指民族或部落,其文化、語言和種族都與廣大人口相異。譬如,香港主要人口是華人,而尼泊爾人、巴基斯坦人和印度人就是香港的一些族群(ethnic groups)。檳城擁有多元文化(multicultural cuisine),因為它的人口包括了馬來人、華人和印度人。華人在檳城是第二大族群(ethnic group)。Cuisine就是某一國家或地區的菜式,例如中國菜(Chinese cuisine)。Multicultural cuisine就是各種不同菜式的融合。像紐約和倫敦這些城市,亦以其多元文化美食(multicultural cuisine)聞名。

          這已是我第四次遊覽檳城了。我每次來到這個地方,都可以找到不同的東西去寫。在之前的專欄中我寫過檳城的文物建築,當地政府在保存古建築方面應記一功,那些建築是在馬來西亞還是英屬領土時建成的。檳城的部份地區看起來就像香港許多年前的樣子。當地人非常 laid back,意思就是很悠閒和隨和;不像香港,在那裏沒有人是匆忙的。然而,當地也在逐漸變化之中,因為有愈來愈多的遊客選擇檳城為度假的目的地。許多人會去檳城吃榴槤。下一次我會告訴你為何我從未吃過榴槤。 中譯:七刻

        Michael Chugani 褚簡寧
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