
a lot of flak

2019/01/22 04:12:35 網誌分類: 生活
22 Jan
          It has been a mild winter so far but Hong Kong people love to eat hotpot in winter even if the weather is mild. The word “mild” when referring to the weather means less cold than normal. People on the mainland also love to eat hotpot, especially in winter. I haven’t eaten hotpot in a long time because the flavor is monotonous (unchanging, boring). I also feel it is unhygienic for everyone to put their raw food into a communal pot at the table and then take them out to eat. The word “communal” means shared by everyone. Besides, I never know how long to cook meat in a hotpot.

          My friends laugh whenever I say eating from a communal pot is unhygienic. They say the boiling broth (clear soup) will kill all the germs. Hong Kong’s most famous food and restaurant writer Chua Lam, who also does TV shows, got a lot of flak (angry criticism) on social media here and on the mainland for denouncing (criticizing) hotpot. He said on TV that hotpot is the dish he most wanted to see gone forever. Chua Lam said it is monotonous and not delicious to put different types of food into the same broth. I laughed when I read that because it reminded me of a media trip to Chongqing some time back.

          All my media friends at a hotpot dinner dug in (ate with great enjoyment) but the spicy Sichuan broth and the monotony of having to cook every piece of food myself made me lose my appetite. Hotpot is similar to the Western dish fondue because it also uses a communal pot that can be filled with oil, broth, melted cheese, or even melted chocolate, depending on what people want to eat. I used to love fondue when I lived in the US but just as with hotpot, I now feel fondue is monotonous. It is also unhealthy to dip (put quickly in liquid) bread into melted cheese, fruit into melted chocolate, or meat into oil. Some of my friends say Chua Lam is right to denounce hotpot. Others say he just wants to get publicity.




          在一餐火鍋宴上,我的所有傳媒朋友都吃得津津有味(dug in),但那麻辣的四川湯(broth),以及我得自己動手煮每一樣食物的那種單調乏味(monotony),實在令我食慾不振。打邊爐跟西式的火鍋很相近,因為後者同樣用一個共用的(communal)鍋,盛的可以是油、湯(broth)、溶化了的芝士,甚或是溶化了的朱古力,視乎人們想吃甚麼。我還住在美國的時候,也曾經喜歡吃西式火鍋,但一如打邊爐,我現在也覺得西式火鍋單調乏味(monotonous)。而且,要將麵包浸一下(dip)溶化了的芝士、將水果蘸一蘸朱古力漿,或是把肉浸一下油,都是不健康的。我的一些朋友說,蔡瀾痛斥(denounce)火鍋是對的,但也有人說他不過是想要曝光率。mickchug@gmail.com 


        Michael Chugani 褚簡寧
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