
2019/03/17 13:19:14 網誌分類: 耶穌正傳
17 Mar

CHAPTER 11 第十一章

Elihu's lessons. Buddhism and the precepts of Buddha. The mysteries of Egypt.

以利戶授課。 佛教。 埃及神秘學。

AGAIN Elihu taught;he said, The Indian priests became corrupt;Brahm was forgotten in the streets;the rights of men were trampled in the dust.


2) And then a mighty master came, a Buddha of enlightenment, who turned away from wealth and all the honors of the world, and found the Silence in the quiet groves and caves;and he was blest.

2、此時,一位偉大的主、開悟的佛陀降臨了。 他放棄世界的財富和榮華,到幽靜的樹林和洞穴中尋找寧靜。 他是有福的。

3) He preached a gospel of the higher life, and taught man how to honor man.


4) He had no doctrine of the gods to teach;he just knew man, and so his creed was justice, love and righteousness. 4、他不傳授任何有關神的教義,他洞察人性,故其法則是公義、仁愛、正直。

5) I quote for you a few of many of the helpful words which Buddha spoke:


6) Hate is a cruel word. If men hate you regard it not;and you can turn the hate of men to love and mercy and goodwill, and mercy is as large as all the heavens.

6、仇恨是殘酷的。 人若恨你,不要放在心上。 你可以將人的仇恨轉化為喜愛、仁慈、友善。 仁慈如天堂一樣偉大。

7) And there is good enough for all. With good destroy the bad;with generous deeds make avarice ashamed;with truth make straight the crooked lines that error draws, for error is but truth distorted, gone astray.

7、人性本善。 當用良善摧毀邪惡,用慷慨折服貪婪,用真理修正錯誤,因為錯誤只是真理的扭曲和偏離而已。

8) And pain will follow him who speaks or acts with evil thoughts, as does the wheel the foot of him who draws the cart.


9) He is a greater man who conquers self than he who kills a thousand men in war.


10) He is the noble man who is himself what he believes what other men should be.


11) Return to him who does you wrong your purest love, and he will cease from doing wrong;for love will purify the heart of him who is beloved as truly as it purifies the heart of him who loves.

11、當以德報怨,這樣,人就會停止作惡。 因為愛能淨化被愛者的心靈,正如它淨化愛者的心靈。

12) The words of Buddha are recorded in the Indian sacred books;att​​end to them, for they are part of the instructions of the Holy Breath.


13) The land of Egypt is the land of secret things.


14) The mysteries of the ages lie lock-bound in our temples and our shines.


15) The masters of all times and climes come here to learn;and when your sons have grown to manhood they will finish all their studies in Egyptian schools.

15、各個時代、各個地方的大師都來這裡學習。 你們的兒子長大成人以後,也要在埃及的學校裡完成學業。

16) But I have said enough. Tomorrow at the rising of the sun we meet again.

16. 今天,我已經說了很多。 明天日出時,我們再會。

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