How to choose the right web design and Development company in Hong Kong and Singapore

2019/06/29 00:10:15 網誌分類: 電腦
29 Jun

A company's website is the most important facade for the customer's first impression. If you do not know how to create a website or choose the right web production company, you need to read the following articles:

First, we need to collect data to understand the background of the various local web production companies (in Hong Kong and Singapore) and the projects they are responsible for. It is recommended to find a web page similar to your own web page so that your web page can be informed about your requirements. It is also easy to speed up discussions and estimates.

Browse the website of the company's official website

The official website created by the web production company gives you an understanding of the company's features, design styles, and areas of expertise. Do you like the style of their official website? Are their websites easy to use so that you can easily find what you want to see? Of course, the web design of their company is just to inform you about this company. Website An excellent web production company can meet the needs of each guest and provide an ideal design.

It does not matter if the design of the official website is not satisfactory, but the most important thing is that it does not look like a web page you saw 10 years ago. You can easily find what you want, whether the functionality is powerful, and whether the site offers a great user experience (UX), that is, the site is very easy to use. If the website you want to create requires the production company to write content on the website on your behalf, you need to refer to the content quality of the company website and the website blog.

View past web design work cases of a web page production company

Many web production companies place their own projects / workcases on their websites to let users know the quality of the web pages they produce. You can see if your company is responsible for a website similar to your site, and if the website they are creating is professional and easy to use. You can also know their past customers. If your company is large, you can check if the web production company has a client company of the same size as you and assess whether that company can handle your project.

Direct contact and reservation with a web production company for further discussion

For example, do you pay attention to how they treat your phone? Are they kind to you? Did they ask you questions about the project details and the background of your company? Focusing on and communicating with your company's projects is all part of the company as the company needs to work with the web page production company they hire for several months to complete your web page. Of course, only customer service comes out on the phone, not the main contact person or contractor who cooperates later, but it is also important to communicate as employees represent the culture of the whole company.

When meeting a web production company, you need to ask them the following seven questions, and their answer should be similar to the one below.

  1. Have you worked in a company in the same industry as me?

Their answer is as follows. It was beneficial to work with companies in the same industry as you. Second, you can browse the pages they make for companies in the same industry as you, and you can expect the quality of the websites they make for you. Of course not all companies have customers in the same industry If the web production company does not actually have customers in your industry, make sure that past customers are customers in different industries Please give me. There are no companies with customers in the same industry or customers with narrow industry levels.

  1. How does User Experience (UX) affect web page design?

Their answer is: A high quality web authoring company recognizes that User Experience (UX) is the most important part of a great web page, and ensures that creating this web page is central to the user experience. And we need to ask what methods and strategies your company uses to put the user experience first.

  1. Which CMS (content management system) do you choose?

Their answer is: Typical web production companies usually use 1-2 CMS. Most web pages use an open source platform such as WordPress. However, some web production companies have their own set of CMS platforms. Every CMS has its own strengths and weaknesses, and a high-quality web production company will stand in your position to objectively analyze the strengths and weaknesses, and then select the CMS that is most appropriate for your website. 

  1. Can you meet your development team? 

Their answer is that there are several Web production companies in the market that are actually just one company, but when they receive a project, they outsource the project to others or only a few Freelancers work Work together to take over. In this case, it may be inconvenient to meet with the company's development team, but ensure that the company you hire has its own professional team, created a web page for you, and created Make sure your web page meets everyone's expectations.

  1. What steps are there for this project?

Their answer is: A professional web company should be able to answer your questions in a timely manner, fully explain each step involved, and explain how each step works. If you were unable to provide detailed project concepts and content, it would be difficult for them to provide you with accurate project costs and the time it takes to complete it, but of course yours We can provide a range.

  1. How can I change or update the web page after the project is complete?

Their answer is: A comprehensive web design company should teach your team how to use this page and how to change or update it. You also need to know which parts of the page you need to change or update frequently, such as events, forms on the page, page content, and so on. Next, you need to contact your web production company to see if you can change the above parts and where and how to change them. If you are involved in major changes or updates, or involve programming and design, you may need to bring new productions and projects to a web production company for how long.

  1. Does your company offer digital marketing services?

The answer is as follows. Today, in addition to the production site itself, we need to pay attention to digital marketing such as optimization, sales promotion, data collection from sales promotion and analysis, and subsequent improvement. Unless your company already has an in-house marketing team responsible for the above tasks, we hire a web creation company that also offers digital marketing services to ensure that the new website is what you want It is recommended.

Also, I think it is difficult to choose an appropriate web production company, and it takes quite a while. Even if you spend time and effort on it, it does not mean that you can find the right company. Therefore, 2Easy is a platform to solve this problem, find a suitable web production company, save time, and surely find a suitable web design and production company.

Check out the web production companies and their insights that are now confirmed at


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