
A chosen one

2019/08/27 04:12:31 網誌分類: 生活
27 Aug
          Is US President Donald Trump losing it? Many people have long believed he is losing it. What he said last week made even more people think he is losing it. Trump said last week Denmark should sell Greenland to the US. Then he said he was the chosen one to fight a trade war with China. After he said these two things, politicians and opinion leaders asked if he was losing it. If a person is losing it, it means that person is becoming crazy. No US president in his right mind would believe that Denmark would sell Greenland. When Denmark's prime minister said Trump's offer to buy Greenland was absurd (ridiculous, stupid), Trump angrily cancelled his scheduled trip to Denmark.

          After he cancelled his trip, many Americans wondered if he was still in his right mind. If you are in your right mind it means you are thinking clearly. If you are not in your right mind, it means there is something wrong with you or you are mentally ill. Trump's many critics couldn't believe it when he said he was the chosen one to confront China. He accused former presidents of not daring to confront China. When he said he was the chosen one, he looked at the sky as if he was looking at God. The expression "chosen one" has a deep religious meaning. In the Christian religion, Jesus Christ is the chosen one. God chose him to suffer for the sins of the people.

          A chosen one can also mean a messiah. A messiah is a leader who is believed to have the power to solve the world's problems. Is Trump a messiah who can solve the world's problems? His critics say he is the one who is causing the world's problems! I don't know if Trump really meant it or was joking when he said Denmark should sell Greenland. I think he was just trying to point out that past presidents didn't do enough to fight for fair trade with China when he said he was the chosen one.


          美國總統特朗普是否快瘋了(losing it)?許多人在很早以前就相信他真的快瘋了(losing it)。他上星期說的話,令更多人相信他快瘋了(losing it)。特朗普上星期說,丹麥應該將格陵蘭賣給美國。然後他又說,他是被選中的一位(the chosen one),去跟中國打貿易戰。他說過這兩件事後,政客和意見領袖都不禁要問他是否快瘋了(losing it)。若某人是losing it,即是說那人快要失去神智,快要瘋了。沒有一個心智正常(in his right mind)的美國總統會以為丹麥真的會將格陵蘭賣掉。當丹麥首相說特朗普提出買格陵蘭的建議太荒唐(absurd)之後,特朗普憤怒地取消了他預定出行丹麥的一程。

          他取消行程之後,許多美國人也懷疑他是否仍然心智健全(in his right mind)。若你是in your right mind,即是說你頭腦清晰;若你are not in your right mind,即是指你精神不健全,或神志不清。當特朗普說他是被選中的一位(the chosen one)去迎戰中國,他的許多批評者都難以置信。他指摘那些前任的總統不夠膽去對抗中國。當他說他是被選中的一位(the chosen one),他望向天空,彷彿是在望着上帝一樣。習語chosen one有很深的宗教意味。在基督教裏,耶穌基督就是the chosen one,上帝揀選了他去為他子民的罪孽受難。

          A chosen one也可以指a messiah。A messiah就是救世主,一個被認為滿有權能、得以解決世界各種問題的領導者。特朗普是否一位可以解決世界問題的救世主(messiah)?批評他的人說,他就是那位引起世界問題的人!我不知道特朗普說丹麥要賣掉格陵蘭,到底是說真的,還是在開玩笑。我認為他說他是被選中的一位(the chosen one),純粹是想指出過往的總統都做得不夠,去跟中國打一場貿易戰。



        Michael Chugani 褚簡寧
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