Sofia Williams
Sofia Williams
Sofia Williams

Get your Favorite Office apps in a Single all-in-one app

2020/07/25 21:18:50 網誌分類: 電腦
25 Jul

There is good news for the Microsoft Office users who were using Word, Excel, and PowerPoint on their Android devices. They can now enjoy using these three apps in a single all-in-one package of app exclusively launched for Android users. With the availability of this app on the Google Play Store, users can work on documents, sheets, and presentation under one umbrella.

This take on the part of Microsoft will attract more users to download it in the coming future because of various reasons. Users generally deploy the full-fledged version of Office on their device even if they only need to use Word, PowerPoint, and Excel. This all-in-one app will now reduce the hassle of downloading different apps separately which took a lot of space on your phone. The users can now take a breath of sigh after hearing this news. But, there is a catch that this release has been done with a caution about which we will get to know later. If you have a specific query related to Office applications then visit

Compact Office app for android users

The users who wished to edit and format a number of files and documents on a single platform can relish the features of this app. This app is specifically for Android smartphone users from where they can simply restructure everything related to their document which they are working upon.

Earlier, Google also tried doing a similar thing by combining these apps. This amalgam was available at the Google Drive app. By using this application, users could work on Documents, Spreadsheets, and create presentations just like you do on MS Office. But with the new app, you get some additional features with it; OneDrive connectivity along, login help, and scanning of the PDF files which was missing in Google’s amalgamation of apps.

What are the limitations of this new app?

As noted earlier that there is a catch with the app, let u discuss what some of its limitations are. The biggest drawback is that you can deploy it only on AndroidOS which means iPhone users cannot take its benefit. According to some reports, the app does not support Chromebooks or tablets which devoid the users of its facilities. 

How to download the app?

Downloading an application is however easy from the ‘Google Play Store’ but you can still learn about the simple procedure of downloading the all-in-one app:

  1. Open your Android device and tap on the icon of “Play Store”.
  2. When it opens, navigate to the search bar.
  3. Here, enter “Word, Excel, PowerPoint& More” and you will see a list of applications.
  4. Choose the right one from the list and click on the “Install” option present under the app.
  5. The downloading and installation process will take a few minutes to complete.

After this, you can start using the application for different purposes. Along with the features mentioned above, you may also sync this app with Windows 10 notes app. On top of that, you get to use the Office Lens scanner with it.

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