Sofia Williams
Sofia Williams
Sofia Williams

McAfee Tips and Recommendations against Ransomware

2021/06/10 13:38:19 網誌分類: 科技
10 Jun

A question that pops up now and then in the recent digital era- What is ransomware?

Well, it is a malware or a type of cyber threat that has grown rapidly in the last few months. The hackers encrypt and hold important data and information to pressurize the victim to pay the ransom.

The victim can be a person, a family, a group of people or an entire organization. The data is held captive with no permission of access to the owners. The victims are demanded a certain amount of money in return for access.

According to McAfee, it is not enough to just buy an antivirus solution and installing it via

This is because when an organization is attacked with ransomware, every individual related to it gets entitled to worry. As in this technology-dominated world, data is stored and can be shared very easily. So let’s see what McAfee professionals have to say about it.

How to know about The Risk of Exposure?

As a consumer/client of an organization, you trust them with your personal data. You trust them with maintaining confidentiality. But, when such a thing as ransomware comes into the picture, it might be difficult for you.

They issue public reports, publish social media posts and make public statements to let you know about the kind of data that might be at risk, which is the best way to know that your data is now, officially, at risk of being exposed.

But with that transparency, you might find it less difficult to believe in them.


Apart from getting the best McAfee antivirus and installing it through, here are a few tips that might help you secure your data:

  • Maintain a backup of all your data
  • Maintain online safety with browsing
  • Ensure using secured networks only
  • Keep changing your credentials
  • Incorporate password manager software
  • Never settle on paying the ransom
  • Enable multi-layer authentication programs
  • Ensure a comprehensive security solution

Note: When talking about comprehensive security, is the best way to go and choose from a wide variety of virus detection methods.

CONCLUSION offers you the best solutions and helps you install your antivirus program software into your systems.

However, McAfee knows that ransomware attacks do not just affect one person or an organization. It affects and everyone related to it, and that is why they have recommended eight very significant and easy tips to safeguard yourself from these attacks.

And never paying the ransom is one of the primary goals as there is no guarantee of total security even after it is paid.

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