Sofia Williams
Sofia Williams
Sofia Williams

An Overview of Some Really Interesting Features of Microsoft Teams

2020/09/03 21:27:10 網誌分類: 電腦
03 Sep

It is really annoying when you receive an email with a whole lot of co-workers attached in the same string. This becomes even more complicated when everybody starts replying in the same thread and this ultimately dwells more confusion among the co-workers. This is the result of a lack of communication sources where a number of people can come up together with their ideas.

If you are an owner of a business organization, then you must have felt the need of having a platform where they can easily collaborate, chat, and share their files. Keeping this in mind, Microsoft has developed a simple and working solution for you, and this solution is known as Microsoft Teams. By now, we must have known what it is and we can simply consider it as a cloud-based collaboration tool. This comes as a part of the Microsoft Office 365 suite of applications and includes various features for the increased productivity of business organizations.

The core capabilities of the tool (

  • Allows you to simultaneously create and manage tasks in a group
  • You can achieve one-on-one communication via the means of chat
  • Connect with each other via the audio calling feature
  • You may schedule a planned or unplanned video meetings
  • An easy platform to share files and links
  • Easily convert your work and resources into documents
  • Teams have simplified the method to access other Office application

With Teams, you can collaborate for work on different devices including laptops, tablets, and smartphones. Moreover, you can collaborate across multiple platforms including Windows and Mac. On top of that, a group can also invite outside partners (vendors, service providers, and consultants)to join forces with them

Enjoy better services than Slack & Google Hangouts

In simple words, we may consider this tool as a chat-based working space where we can achieve instant messaging. In it, we may also carry on a threaded and persistent conversation and that is the reason why it is standing strong headed with Slack and Google Hangouts. As it is included in Office 365, it connects us with other Office apps such as Excel, Word, OneNote, SharePoint, and Planner which ultimately results in fluidity. Its portal is quite seamless and you get to have a better experience with it.

Easier customization with channels-There are channels in Microsoft Teams through which you can do more than expected. You can easily sort these channels by topic, projects, or departments so that managing tasks become easier. These channels tend to store the records of the past events, the communications that took place, and the data that you have shared over time. With @ mentions you can tag persons for whom a particular message is.

Video & Voice Meetings- there is a team-based thread with that you can easily schedule voice or video meetings. You can also sync the meetings that you have scheduled on Outlook.


There are also several keyboard shortcuts that you can easily access by going to the official website or visiting If you have any confusion regarding the usage of Microsoft Teams, then you may check out more blog posts regarding this.

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