Sofia Williams
Sofia Williams
Sofia Williams

Top 8 digital security tips for 2021

2021/01/04 16:19:41 網誌分類: 科技
04 Jan

Staying safe online might not seem to be rocket science for some as they think they are practicing enough caution for staying safe. At the same time, they do not know in what form an online scam may arrive. This seems like disguising yourself even after knowing how smart the cybercriminals are. However, there is one such software that lets you stay safe from all the threats i.e. McAfee which is easily accessible via

But, things take a turn when you do not know how to protect your digital privacy even after securing your device with an antivirus solution. In this regard, I have listed down some of the basic tactics you can follow in order to stay digitally safe. 

  1. Basics first 

The first basic step you should take towards securing your digital life is protecting your computers. The best way to do so is by using McAfee products available at

  1. Don't forget your tablets and cellphones

Just protecting your computers is not enough. You should also give heed to using mobile security solutions on your smart devices because we are more online through our mobiles than computers.

  1. Install updates

Another thing you should also keep in your mind is installing the latest updates of the software or programs you are using. These updates come with bug fixes and other security updates necessary to keep your device safe. 

  1. Use unique passwords

Along with creating unique and long passwords, you should also keep changing the passwords of your accounts which you use frequently. You can also use a Password Manager for the same purpose. 

  1. Be skeptical while sharing online

When you share anything on social media platforms, you need to be skeptical enough to know what could go wrong or what is against your privacy because hackers are always keeping an eye on your online activities. 

  1. Keep an eagle's eye on URLs

Experts at ask users to look for phony web addresses while going through any new website. If you find anything fishy, do not visit that page no matter how important it is. 

  1. Practice caution while joining meetings

With the increasing trend of online meetings, you should try to make it password protected as you do not want any uninvited individual to attend your meetings.

  1. Look out for phishing attacks

Do not click on a suspicious link or open a phishing message from unknown sources because you never know what a message may include that too when it seems to be from completely authentic sources.

Apart from following these security essentials, two more things that are of utmost importance are using two-factor authentication or multi-factor authentication or using a VPN if you need to use public networks.

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