
pricey Turkish restaurant

2021/11/18 04:13:01 網誌分類: 生活
18 Nov
          In my previous column I wrote about going to a popular and pricey (expensive) Turkish restaurant called Bodrum. It is near the Manhattan apartment where I live. My younger brother owns it but lives in Delaware, President Joe Biden’s home state. Last week he drove to Manhattan with his wife and invited several distant relatives, whom I have never met, to dinner at Bodrum. As I explained, distant relatives are people such as cousins and great aunts. There were seven of us. As I mentioned, I started off with a martini. The others had red wine. I ate a coriander pan-fried salmon with ratatouille, a French dish of stewed vegetables.

          Today, I will discuss the interesting dishes my younger brother, his wife, and my relatives ate. Turkish food is similar to Greek food. We began with a large plate of different Turkish appetizers, including hummus and patlican. Hummus, which is popular in Greece and Turkey, is a dip (thick paste) made with ground chickpeas, sesame seeds, garlic, olive oil, and lemon. It is eaten with pita, a flat Middle Eastern bread. Patlican is an eggplant dish usually cooked with tomatoes, herbs and olive oil. My younger brother and one cousin both had Roasted Branzino, a white fish roasted with fennel, lemon and bay leaves. It came with mixed sautéed vegetables. My brother’s wife had Fish Tagine, a Moroccan fish dish slowly cooked with spices. It came with olives, vegetables and Turkish rice.

          Another cousin had Pirzola, a Turkish dish of grilled lamb chops served with grilled vegetables and rice. One relative had Moussaka, a popular Turkish and Greek dish made with eggplant, ground lamb, cheese and béchamel sauce, which is a white sauce of milk, butter and flour. Her husband had Köfte, ground lamb shaped into patties and grilled with cumin. It came with French fries and salad. You can hear the pronunciation of these dishes on Popnews. Everyone said their dishes were delicious. I didn’t dare ask my brother how much the bill was!


          我在上一篇文章中,寫到我去了一間受歡迎和貴價(pricey)的土耳其菜餐廳「博德魯姆」,它就近我住的曼哈頓單位。我弟弟持有該單位,但他住在特拉華州,就是拜登的家鄉。上星期他跟妻子駕車去曼哈頓,邀請了幾個我從未見過面的遠親(distant relatives),一起到博德魯姆餐廳晚膳。正如我所解釋的,distant relatives就是疏堂老表,以至姨婆舅婆那些遠房親戚。我們一行有七人。我亦提及,我以馬天尼作這頓飯的起始,其他人則喝紅酒。我吃了芫荽煎三文魚,伴的是ratatouille,就是法式的普羅旺斯燉菜。

          今天,我會談談我弟弟、弟婦及親戚吃的有趣菜式。土耳其菜跟希臘菜很相似,我們以一大碟土耳其前菜拼盤起首,當中包括了hummus和patlican。Hummus是在希臘和土耳其很流行的鷹嘴豆泥,是用磨碎的鷹嘴豆、芝麻子、蒜蓉、橄欖油和檸檬汁混和而成的蘸醬(dip)。它會用來跟彼得包(pita)一起吃,那是一種扁平的中東麵包。Patlican則是茄子串,多是混合番茄、香草和橄欖油煮成。我的弟弟和一個堂表都點了Roasted Branzino,是用茴香、檸檬和月桂葉烤成的鱸魚,它的伴菜是嫩煎雜菜。弟婦則點了Fish Tagine,一款摩洛哥的魚料理,是用香料慢煮的,其伴菜則是橄欖、蔬菜和土耳其飯。

          另一位堂表則點了Pirzola,是土耳其烤羊小排,伴菜有烤雜菜和飯。一位親戚點了Moussaka,一道很受歡迎的土耳其和希臘菜「木莎卡」,是茄子夾免治羊肉、芝士和béchamel sauce,即是用奶、牛油和麵粉煮成的白汁。她的丈夫則點了Köfte,是用免治羊肉搓成肉餅,再用孜然烤製而成的;伴碟的是薯條和沙律。你可以在 Popnews上聽到這些菜式的發音。人人都說他們點的菜很美味。我都不敢問我弟弟最終結帳的金額是多少!

          mickchug@gmail.com 中譯:七刻

        Michael Chugani 褚簡寧

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